Things to Do

The Hobby You Should Try Next, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

written by LAUREN E. TAYLOR

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There is only so much Real Housewives you can watch in a week, which is why everyone needs a few good hobbies for when you’re all binged out. And while we love scrolling through TikTok as much as the next person, we have to admit that doesn’t really count. It can be hard to figure out what you should actually do in your free time, though. And some people get turned off from hobbies after trying a bunch that never stick (I’m currently staring at an empty journal and a half-finished crochet project). But maybe we just weren’t trying the right hobbies.

If you’re looking for a new hobby, your zodiac sign could help you decide—it’s the perfect way to find one that’ll actually interest you. Your sign can tell you so much about yourself that you never even realized. And, most importantly for this mission, what kinds of hobbies you might like and dislike. So rather than pick up the first new hobby you can think of, let’s turn to the stars. Here’s the hobby you should try, based on your zodiac sign:


The Hobby You Should Try, Based on Your Zodiac


Join a club sports team

Aries are determined, competitive, and energetic. So what better way to get out all that energy than by signing up for a club sports team? Join a team for a sport you played in school, or since it’s just for fun, you could even try something new you’ve never done before (which is also super on-brand for Aries, who like to take initiative and be the first to do new things). Meetup is a great place to look for teams and pickup groups to join. And if you’re not really into sports, you can always join a new workout class.


Try baking

Taureans love decadence, whether that’s expensive clothes or delicious food. Learning to bake will give you all the tools you need to satisfy that side of you. Baking requires patience and precise measurements. And as a stable Taurus, you’ll be able to follow recipes to a T and all the way through to the end. Baking also gives you the perfect excuse to stay at home and chill, which Taureans love to do.


Heather Perine
Beginner's Baking Bible
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Cooking Gift Set Co.
French Tart Baking Kit
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Take a creative writing class

Geminis are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, making them experts at anything that involves words. So you should use your skill for language and expression by taking a stab at creative writing—who knows, you might even be the next bestselling author. Plus, Geminis love to learn new things. So taking a class to learn how to write different genres is a great way to take this hobby to the next level.


Ink + Volt
Mindfulness & Creativity Prompt Journal
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Redecorate your home

Cancers are homebodies, and if you’re going to be spending a lot of time at home, it needs to be cozy—or at least have good vibes. Redecorating your house is the perfect hobby for a Cancer, and it doesn’t need to be a huge project. You can start small by buying some candles or putting up new art on your walls. Cancers are also nurturing and enjoy taking care of people, and you’ll be the best host around with your freshly updated decor.


Try photography

Leos are creative and artistic, so you can use these talents to try photography. Photographing whatever you want, from clouds to architecture to dogs you see on the street, will satisfy your need for self-expression. And since Leos love the spotlight, what better way to show off your skills than by posting your photos on Instagram? It’ll be your own little art gallery. You don’t need much to get started, either; there’s so much you can do with just your iPhone. If you want more, this class will teach you everything you need to know.


Join a book club

Virgos are super analytical and love reading and writing, which makes joining a book club the perfect hobby for them. You’ll love the structure a book club provides—with an assigned book and deadlines to finish reading, it’s practically a Virgo’s dream. And Virgos don’t just love reading. They like talking, too, so discussing the book you just read is the best of both worlds. Not sure where to start? Try Meetup.


Start an art project

Libras are ruled by Venus, so they love anything aesthetically pleasing, like fancy clothes, architecture, or art. To satisfy your need for beauty, you should work on an art project. Try painting with watercolors, sketching your neighborhood outside, or getting one of those adult coloring books (which, as a bonus, can help with stress). Libras are also super social, so you can even take your friends to a painting and wine night.


Johanna Basford
Secret Garden Coloring Book
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Colored Pencils Set
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Try journaling

Scorpios have intense emotions, but unless you’re part of their inner circle, they tend to keep them locked up tight. So if you’re a Scorpio, try journaling so you can get out some of those deep feelings. Scorpios hate small talk and prefer deep conversations, so journaling will help you make sense of what’s going on in your head after a day full of surface-level convos.


Intelligent Change
The Five-Minute Journal
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Learn something new

Sagittarians love to expand their horizons, whether literally by traveling or figuratively through learning. Pick a topic that you’ve always wanted to learn about or revisit an old subject you haven’t studied in a while, and sign up for a class to learn about it. There are so many ways to learn online now, and you can take classes on almost anything you want, so the possibilities are endless. Start your search at places like Udemy and Skillshare.



Capricorns are always working (and always thinking about work), whether it’s for their job or just everyday errands and to-do lists. So if you’re a Capricorn, you need a hobby more than most people, and you need one that’ll let you actually take a break and relax. Meditating is the perfect solution to allow you to let your mind go for a little bit and not think about work and everything else you have to get done. YouTube has a ton of videos to help you get started.


Volunteer for a cause

Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac. They’re known for being idealistic and wanting to create change, so as an Aquarius, you can use that energy to volunteer for something you care about. Pick up trash, walk dogs at an animal shelter, or hand out food at a soup kitchen. As they say, be the change you wish to see. VolunteerMatch is a great place to look for new opportunities.


Learn to read tarot

Pisces are extremely intuitive, so it won’t be hard for you to learn how to read tarot cards. Actually, it’ll probably come pretty naturally (since Pisces are practically psychic), so you’ll be able to use your natural powers of perception. Pisces also tend to be drawn to spiritual topics, so reading tarot will be right up your alley.


Lisa Sterle
The Modern Witch Tarot Deck
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Bakara Wintner
WTF is Tarot?: ...& How Do I Do It?
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