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This post is sponsored by Hatch, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

I Finally Became a Morning Person and I Owe It All to This One Product

Source: cottonbro studio
Source: cottonbro studio

If my morning routine was perfectly laid out like a Pinterest board, it’d look a little something like this: rise with the sun, hit the gym, indulge in an everything shower, get dressed in an outfit I picked out the night before, and enjoy a healthy breakfast with green juice before tackling my to-do list. A girl can dream, right? For a large majority of my life, though, life looked a little bit more like this: get jolted awake by the jarring sound of my phone’s alarm, hit snooze at least four times, roll out of bed at the last possible second, and caffeinate immediately.

Even though I’d have every intention of getting up early the next morning, actually following through with it was a challenge (I blame Netflix…and TikTok). I always felt exhausted, and the thought of starting my busy day only made me want to curl up under the covers even more. But then I heard about Hatch Restore 2, and I was intrigued by how it can help you learn to be a better sleeper. I figured if I could get better sleep, then I might be able to get up earlier and actually have a shot at achieving some of those dream-scenario morning routine goals.

Once I got my hands on Hatch Restore 2, I quickly realized it was exactly what I never knew I was missing. Not only did it help me establish a bedtime routine that didn’t include nodding off while doom-scrolling or binge-watching, but I also found myself waking up more refreshed, and dare I say, feeling ready to get my day started. While I’m not quite living out the Pinterest mornings of my dreams on the daily (and really, who is?), I can say with confidence that I feel like I’ve transformed myself into more of a morning person these days. Below I’m sharing how Hatch Restore 2 helped me do it.

Restore 2

This bedtime sleep guide is about to be your new wellness-routine BFF. Designed to help you build a more restful routine, Hatch Restore 2 offers soothing sleep sounds, dreamy light colors, and a gentle sunrise feature that helps you sleep deeply and rise rested. And if that wasn’t enough to make you swoon, the gorgeous, minimal design that doubles as decor will.

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1. It romanticized my bedtime routine

While I had previously used a basic sound machine, Hatch Restore 2 takes it to a whole new level with sounds, music, dreamscapes, sleep stories, and guided mindfulness practices. There’s even an ASMR option for the whispering-lovers among us. Seriously, whatever your vibe is, you’ll find it in the library, which you can access by downloading the Hatch Sleep app.

Personally, I am obsessed with the Arthurian sorceress who tells sleep stories about the most beautiful and unusual gardens. I mean, with enchanting titles like “Dragon’s Gold” and “The Garden of White Flowers,” how can a mythology fanatic like myself resist? Plus, her tales are super intriguing to listen to while cozied up in bed. And I have to admit, it’s a much more relaxing way to spend the evening than crashing out on the couch while watching re-runs of “New Girl.”

Listening to her sleep stories has created a nice transition for me at bedtime, still offering a form of entertainment while also allowing me to get into a more relaxed state before falling asleep. By setting up a nighttime routine that I look forward to, it has allowed me to become more consistent and intentional with my sleep habits. I’m falling asleep much earlier these days and clocking in a solid seven to eight hours of sleep to boot. This has made all the difference for me being able to wake up in the morning finally feeling rested.

Source: Trisha Sprouse

2. It’s made rude awakenings a thing of the past

In addition to the soothing sounds and stories, Hatch Restore 2 also offers a variety of lights that allow you to create a dreamy vibe in your boudoir. Some of the colors are even specifically designed to cue your body that it’s time to sleep. The purple light happens to be my jam, since it reminds me of those last traces of light before the sun finally vanishes from the horizon. And the dark blue light gives off a very starry night sky kind of feeling. I never knew how much the color of light affected me, but these two hues in particular immediately put me at ease at bedtime.

As much as I love the nighttime lights, one of the coolest lighting features, in my opinion, is the sunrise light for the morning, which gradually gets brighter until it’s time to wake up. By mimicking the sunrise, it supports your body’s natural circadian rhythm, gently signaling that it’s time to rise. It’s SUCH a pleasant way to wake up in the morning compared to the offensively loud phone alarm that used to jar me into consciousness. And as a former California girlie, I’m completely obsessed with the glowy orange hues of the “Malibu Sunrise” that I have set for my morning routine. It definitely wakes me up but in a super chill way that actually makes me want to get out of bed.

Source: Trisha Sprouse

3. It’s made screen-free mornings an actual possibility

I used to keep my phone on my nightstand since I relied on it to wake me up in the morning, but since it was within easy arm’s reach, more often than not I would find myself reaching for it when I couldn’t sleep…and staying up way past a decent hour. Similarly, it was also easy to grab first thing in the morning for a quick scroll on social media, which we all know is never an ideal way to start the day.

I really appreciate how Hatch Restore 2 offers all the same functions as my phone without any of the unhealthy distractions. I now charge my phone in another room at night, so I can go to bed without feeling overstimulated by technology. And on that same token, I now wake up without immediately reaching for my phone, which leaves me feeling a lot more refreshed and ready for whatever the morning, and the rest of the day, has in store for me—and yes, some days, that even includes an everything shower and a green juice.

If you are thinking of giving Hatch Restore 2 a try for yourself, now is the perfect time to do it! The company offers free 3-day shipping and a 60-night money-back guarantee, but I suspect you’re gonna love drifting off to dreamland and waking up to a gentle sunrise as much as I do.

Restore 2

This bedtime sleep guide is about to be your new wellness-routine BFF. Designed to help you build a more restful routine, Hatch Restore 2 offers soothing sleep sounds, dreamy light colors, and a gentle sunrise feature that helps you sleep deeply and rise rested. And if that wasn’t enough to make you swoon, the gorgeous, minimal design that doubles as decor will.

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This post is sponsored by Hatch, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.