
Your Summer Horoscopes Are Here—and Good News, It’s Going To Be a Drama-Free Season

abundance? say less
written by LAUREN E. TAYLOR
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson

It’s finally officially summer, so we can all dust off our bathing suits and sunscreen and get ready to spend time (and maybe too much money) sipping Aperol Spritz in the sun. Luckily, there are no eclipses this summer, which means you don’t have to worry too much about major shake-ups or drama ruining your plans. But even summer can’t be perfect—Mercury retrograde returns at the beginning of August. You’ll need to double and triple-check emails before sending, make sure your iCloud is backing up properly, and give yourself plenty of extra time to beat traffic on the way to the airport. What else can you expect this season? Read below to find out what’s going on this summer for your zodiac sign. 

Important Summer Dates to Know

  • June 6: New moon in Gemini
  • June 20: Cancer season starts
  • June 21: Full moon in Capricorn
  • July 5: New moon in Cancer
  • July 21: Full moon in Capricorn
  • July 22: Leo season starts
  • August 4: New moon in Leo
  • August 5: Mercury retrograde begins
  • August 19: Full moon in Aquarius
  • August 22: Virgo season starts
  • August 28: Mercury retrograde ends


You’ll be starting off the summer on a busy note with plenty of travel opportunities and social plans. Hit up the group chat to plan a weekend adventure or a quick weekend trip. If all that activity has you feeling burnt out, though, don’t worry. Cancer season will be more about home and family for you. July could also bring a desire to move or to redecorate your house, and this is a good time to plan some nights in to recharge, so don’t feel bad about turning down plans if you’re not feeling it. You’ll be feeling more social again come Leo season, and it’s a romantic time for you, too. Make an effort to go on date nights with your partner, or go out of the way to talk to someone you’ve had your eye on.


You might be tempted to go on a shopping spree or take yourself out to a fancy dinner during Gemini season. Since Taureans aren’t exactly known for their budgeting prowess, you’ll want to keep a close eye on your finances during June. While you’re typically more of a homebody, you could be feeling the itch to travel in July, but try to book your plans before Mercury retrograde begins to avoid any mishaps. As a Taurus, you thrive with cozy nights at home, so definitely lean into your natural tendency to nest during Gemini season. Plan to spend some time visiting your family or invite friends over for a movie night.


The beginning of summer is always your favorite time of year since June starts off during your season. You’ll be in high demand with your friends, and you’ll get attention from everyone, whether you’re getting recognized at work or getting asked out on dates. Don’t worry too much about spending, though, as Cancer season will give you a chance to get your finances back in check after going out constantly at the start of June. You’ll be in your element during Leo season (late July-early August), which will bring chances for you to flex your communication skills. But your ruler Mercury goes retrograde in August, which means you’ll need to be extra clear to avoid misunderstandings.


Summer is the perfect time to focus on yourself and your mental health, so treat yourself to a spa day or a mani/pedi, or get back into therapy if you’ve been putting it off. After wanting to spend some time alone during Gemini season, you’ll be feeling more outgoing when your season begins. Take advantage of Cancer season by reaching out to friends you haven’t seen in a while or hosting a get-together at your place. When Leo season begins, you’ll be more concerned with work and money. If you’ve thought about starting your own business or a side hustle, now is a great time to work on that. Or take some classes on topics that can help you get ahead at work.


You’ll be your usual outgoing self during Gemini season, and you’ll have lots of plans with friends. If you’ve been wanting to expand your circle, look into networking events, or try hanging out with friends of friends. Though Leos tend to be pretty extroverted, you might want to have some alone time after social Gemini season. July will give you the chance to recharge before your season arrives. Speaking of Leo season, you’ll be booked and busy again during this time, and you might want to change up your style. Take yourself on a shopping trip, or book a blowout to celebrate your season.


You’ll have a lot going on with your job at the beginning of the summer. During Gemini season, it might be extra busy at work, or you might be on the hunt for a new job. July will also bring more collaborative projects and chances to interact with coworkers. As a Virgo, you like to be in control, but try not to be too concerned about everything going your way when working with others. It’s not all work and no play, though, since you’ll have many opportunities to socialize during Cancer season, too. You’ll be feeling more introverted during Leo season, and your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde at the start of August, making it kind of the perfect time to hibernate and just relax to close out the summer.


You’ll be wanting to travel during Gemini season, so book a big international trip or make plans to visit a long-distance bestie. This is a great time to visit your local bookstore to pick up a new read or look into classes to learn more about a subject you’ve been interested in recently. Work will be on your mind during Cancer season. Take the initiative to ask for more responsibilities at your job, or if you’ve been unhappy lately, use this time to start searching for a new role. When Leo season begins, you’ll have lots of opportunities to be the social butterfly you usually are. You’ll have more time to see friends, so hang in there during July, and maybe even try to get ahead at work so you’re not worrying about it while trying to have fun.


You could get a raise during Gemini season, or you might get some unexpected returns from investments you’ve made. It’s a good time to budget because Cancer season might have you wanting to spend on vacations. Try to save up in June so you’ll be able to book a major trip and enjoy it without worrying about money. When Leo season comes around, work will become a bigger priority for you. Use that Leo energy to get noticed for your accomplishments at work or to apply for a role or company you’re interested in. Your job might feel like a grind during August, but you’ll get more opportunities to see friends when Virgo season starts at the end of the summer. 


You’ll be spending a lot of time with your significant other during Gemini season, or if you’re single, you could make it official with someone you’ve been dating. Invite your other couple friends over for a dinner party, or spend some one-on-one time with your partner. Sagittarians are more the play-it-by-ear type, but try to plan out your spending during Cancer season versus your usual impulse buying to ensure that you don’t overdo it. Sticking to a budget will especially come in handy when Leo season begins since you’ll be ready to get back on the road, and it’s the perfect time to schedule all your travel for the rest of the year (or for next). August is a great month to join a book club or look into online classes to learn something new, too. 


Capricorns love a good routine, and Gemini season will give you the perfect excuse to stick to your typical schedule and get your life in order. Take advantage of this season to catch up on errands, organize your closet, or finally get rid of that pile of stuff from your last wardrobe cleanout. Though you’re not super romantic as a Capricorn, Cancer season is a great time to let yourself be a little more romantic with your partner and to prioritize planning date nights with them. If you’ve been seeing someone recently, this is a good opportunity to let them know how you feel, too, and you might take the next step in your relationship. Leo season will have you more focused on your finances, and you could get a raise or start earning money from a side hustle.


 Summer starts on a fun and carefree note for you. Spend Gemini season doing things you enjoy outside of work, or pick up an old hobby you haven’t had time for recently. Definitely enjoy it while it lasts because July will highlight your work and daily errands. You could have more admin tasks to take care of at your job, or you might feel the urge to do a deep clean of your home. Cancer season is also the ideal season to be a little healthier, whether it’s trying out a new workout class or making time to cook for yourself instead of ordering takeout every day. During Leo season, you might be trying to open up more to the person you’ve been dating or your significant other. Even though Aquarians aren’t super emotional, make an effort to be more upfront with your feelings instead of hiding them.


Gemini season is a good time for house or apartment hunting if you’re looking to move. Be sure to remember that summer is moving season, though, so don’t wait to scoop up a place that you really like. Lean into your creative side during Cancer season by seeking out a paint-and-sip event or a writing class. July will also bring more attention to your dating life, so refresh your dating app profile or try to go to more events to meet people. Or, if you’re in a relationship, plan a romantic evening together. After the fun of Cancer season, Leo season will be more focused on getting back into your regular routine. Catch up on laundry, finish running errands, and start up your exercise schedule again.