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This post is sponsored by Ritual, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

Wellness Experts and Novices Agree: This Viral Supplement Is a Game-Changer for Gut Health

Graphics by: Aryana Johnson
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson

Allow me to speak my truth: I am not a wellness girlie. I never have been, and I most likely never will be. Don’t get me wrong—I do take care of myself. I exercise regularly, eat as balanced as I can, and listen to my body to stay in touch with my physical and mental health. However, pretty much anything that comes to mind when you hear the term “wellness girlie” does not resonate with me. I’ve never stepped foot on a pilates reformer. Any time I’ve ever tried to meditate, I give up after a harrowing 40 seconds. I don’t even own a single matching workout set (gasp, I know). And I’ve also never taken a single supplement in my life. Like, ever. Until I found Ritual Synbiotic+.

I want to be clear that I’ve never had a vendetta against supplements. I’ve always known that they can be super beneficial for your health and overall well-being, but I personally just never felt like I really needed them. I had gone nearly 23 years of life without any, so why would I start now? Alas, after some researching and light internal reflection, I decided I wanted to try one that targets my gut health and digestion (stomach problem gang rise up), and that’s when I stumbled upon this product.

Let me just say this: I am most definitely a fan. A newfound wellness connoisseur? That’s a stretch. But, I now have a simple new step in my daily routine that has done exactly what I was hoping it would for my digestive health. So whether you’re like me who’s new to supplements or you’re a wellness vet looking for an extra something to add to your arsenal, hear me out. I’m sharing my experience, thoughts, and even the hot goss on my digestive system after three months of taking Ritual’s Synbiotic+:


With prebiotics that support growth of beneficial gut bacteria while targeting undesirable bacteria, probiotics that support digestive discomforts, and postbioticis that support a healthy gut barrier, this 3-in-1 supplement is a fan-favorite that me and the wellness girlies can agree upon.

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What I was looking for in a supplement

Long story short, your girl wanted to address her stomach concerns. For a long time, I just accepted it as my cruel, unfortunate reality. Practically every single person I know struggles with their digestion in some way or another, so it had to be normal, right? Well, I finally decided it was time to do something about it. So I honed in on my biggest digestive system woes: bloating after every single meal. For example, here’s a real-life candid of me stopping mid-run due to awful bloating and discomfort:

Source: McKenna Pringle

Upon lots of Googling and falling down TikTok rabbit holes, I came to the conclusion that focusing on my gut health could be a potential solution. And as someone brand new to the supplement game, I knew I only wanted to be taking one a day. I feel like my body would go into literal shock if I went from zero to a hundred random vitamins and minerals out of nowhere, so keeping things simple was key. Finding a single supplement that helped balance my gut microbiome became my quest, and that’s when I discovered Ritual Synbiotic+.*

Why I chose Synbiotic+ over other supplements

Not only did Ritual Synbiotic+ meet my personal requirements, but it offers even more than I knew a lone supplement could. One capsule works as a 3-in-1 product, which means it’s a prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic all wrapped into one. I learned that all three of these work together to support your gut health, so the fact that I was conveniently getting them all in one single little capsule? Oh, sign me up.

Synbiotic+ is also made with delayed-release capsule technology, and I had not a clue in the world what that even meant. So I furthered my investigation and discovered that the capsule is specifically designed to dissolve later, to deliver its contents to the colon (instead of the stomach), an ideal place for probiotics to survive and grow. Another convenient thing about this product is that the bottle is moisture-controlled, so it doesn’t require refrigeration like many other probiotics do. All in all, I was given every reason to believe that this was an ideal supplement for a novice like myself.*

Source: McKenna Pringle

What differences did I actually notice

You know when you start going to the gym and you get impatient when you don’t have visible abs after doing sit-ups for three days in a row? Perhaps I was a bit unrealistic hoping for an overnight miracle with this supplement, but then I realized all good things take time. It’s important to note I didn’t make any significant changes to my diet or fitness routine. As I mentioned, I already pay pretty close attention to those aspects of my health. But after starting Synbiotic+, I’m definitely now at a point where my bloating is the most manageable it’s ever felt.

It took about two months to really notice a difference. To be honest, I kind of forgot I was taking them. But then I started to notice I was feeling less heavy after my meals. On a normal day of balanced eating (i.e. not gobbling down Taco Bell after a night out with friends), my bloating became less frequent. More times than not, I was getting up from my meals without the need to immediately lay down afterwards and/or unbutton my pants. Truly, it felt like what dreams are made of.

Then, lo and behold, my bloating issues during workouts slowly started to fade away, too. While I’ll still get stomach discomfort them from time to time, factors such as hydration, the intensity of my workout, and a myriad of other things definitely play a part. But now, I almost always make it through a run without the awful bloated feeling weighing me down. I seriously never thought I would see the day, but here we are.

The final verdict

TL;DR: Ever since I started taking Ritual Synbiotic+, my stomach concerns have become less of a daily occurence. I think the most important thing to remember when deciding to take supplements (whether they’re your first or your fifth) is being in tune with what your body actually needs. If you’re like me and feel as though you need some help in the gut health department, then I 110% recommend giving Ritual Synbiotic+ a try. It’s a simple one-step part of your routine that could totally support your gut microbiome and digestion. You don’t need to be the stereotypical wellness girlie to incorporate habits that will impact your health. I still can’t meditate and don’t plan on starting pilates anytime soon. But, I can officially say Ritual did, in fact, turn me into a supplement girlie when I never thought I’d see the day.


If you’re absolutely over wondering if gut health is the source of your woes, this product is a must-try to help get things in check. Get 20% off your first month if you add to cart RN!

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This post is sponsored by Ritual, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.