The Everygirl The life map for Everygirls everywhere Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:48:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Review: Should You Read Ali Hazelwood’s Newest Book? Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:01:00 +0000 not in love A few months ago, I read my very first Ali Hazelwood book, Bride. If you’re a fan of Hazelwood, you

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A few months ago, I read my very first Ali Hazelwood book, Bride. If you’re a fan of Hazelwood, you might wonder what took me so long to finally grab one of her books. After all, her first novel, The Love Hypothesis, became an instant bestseller in 2021 and catapulted her into romance-author stardom. And that right there is why it took me four years to pick up one of her books for myself. I, historically, don’t love the romance genre. I dip my toes in every now and then, sure, but I tend to stay firmly in fantasy land. However, after reading and loving Bride, Ali Hazelwood’s first book in the paranormal romance genre, I embarked on a feverish three-month-long journey to read her entire catalog, culminating with her most recent release, Not in Love.

I’ve loved everything Ali Hazelwood has written—but after reading Not in Love, I have a feeling this book isn’t going to be for everyone (but what book is?). So, should you read Not in Love? Here’s my review and whether I think you should pick it up.

not in love
Ali Hazelwood
Not in Love

A forbidden, secret affair proves that all’s fair in love and science—from New York Times bestselling author Ali Hazelwood.

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What is Not in Love about?

Not in Love is Ali Hazelwood’s latest “women in STEM” romance novel, joining The Love Hypothesis, Love on the Brain, Loathe to Love You, and Love, Theoretically in a vaguely connected shared universe (some characters receive blink-and-you’ll-miss-it mentions in other books). In Not in Love, we meet Rue Siebert, a successful biotech engineer working at Kline, a promising food science start-up. The best part of her job? One of her best friends is her boss and she gets free lab access and time to work on her personal project—one that she’s been guaranteed the patent for. It’s a pretty sweet gig… until it isn’t.

When Eli Kilgore and his business partners arrive at Kline, announcing their plans to acquire the company, they threaten to upend Rue’s career. Despite being on opposite sides of the fight for Kline, Eli and Rue can’t stay away from each other and enter a secret, no-strings-attached arrangement that has a clear end date: the day one of their sides prevails in the fight for Kline.

My Review of Not in Love

I loved Ali Hazelwood’s previous books because they were straightforward, light-hearted rom-coms that I could breeze through in a day. For readers looking for more of the same, Not in Love isn’t exactly that. In Hazelwood’s own words, it’s more of an “erotic romance” with “angstier themes.” I’ll be honest, that descriptor gave me pause. When I pick up a Hazelwood romance, I’m looking for a trope-filled good time set against a STEM backdrop—not something that will make me face some harsher realities.

Despite this initial trepidation, I dove headfirst into Not in Love. The tonal shift between Hazelwood’s rom-coms and Not in Love is immediately apparent. Both Rue and Eli struggle with their traumatic childhoods, and Hazelwood doesn’t shy away from detailing their experiences. As adults, Rue and Eli cope in the only way that makes sense to them: through sex. For Rue, this means never being in a long-term relationship and instead exclusively engaging in “just O.K.” one-night stands before she meets Eli, who doesn’t shy away from the darkest parts of her.

While I missed the lightness of Hazelwood’s previous works, Not in Love was thoroughly consuming. Ali Hazelwood also said she felt both insecure and proud of this story, and I understand why. This is very much the most complicated novel in her catalog. In previous stories, the happily-ever-after was a foregone conclusion, and the big conflict was black-and-white. In Not in Love, despite the fact I knew there would be a HEA (and there is, don’t worry), I truly didn’t know how our main characters would get there. And that kept me turning page after page.

Unlike in Hazelwood’s previous works, where it sometimes seems like the conflict takes a backseat to the romance, I was just as invested in the conflict of Not in Love as I was in the love story. Primarily because there was depth and complexity to the situation (despite, in my opinion, there still is a clear right and wrong) that left me feeling sympathy for the party in the “wrong.”

If Ali Hazelwood’s previous books were akin to a 30-minute sitcom that ends with the gang laughing around a shared table, Not in Love is a messy, hour-long drama that takes you on a journey before you get to the happy ending. I love Ali Hazelwood’s books because I’m guaranteed a compelling romance that ends happily in just a few hundred pages. But I love Not in Love for its unabashed portrayal of flawed humans and the reality of being stuck in a conflict where someone will win, but also everyone will lose.

So, should you read Not in Love?

If Not in Love is a little messier and more real than her previous works, where does that leave Hazelwood fans who want a more lighthearted story? Well, first, check the content warnings for Not in Love and make sure you’re comfortable with some of the darker aspects this story touches on. And if you are, I say read on because Not in Love is really a stellar book. Having read all of Hazelwood’s books in such a short period of time, I can see very clearly how much her writing has developed over time. With each book, she gets better and better, and Not in Love is no exception. I loved it, and I’m confident you will, too.

not in love
Ali Hazelwood
Not in Love

A forbidden, secret affair proves that all’s fair in love and science—from New York Times bestselling author Ali Hazelwood.

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What Actually Happens When You Eat Enough Protein Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:38:12 +0000 what happens when you eat protein While I’ll be the first in line to try the latest fitness trend—4-2-1 Method, soft workouts, hot girl walks—I don’t

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While I’ll be the first in line to try the latest fitness trend—4-2-1 Method, soft workouts, hot girl walks—I don’t subscribe as much to what’s “in” regarding nutrition. That is until the golden age of protein came along. From the 30/30/30 method to high-protein snacks taking over TikTok, the obsession with the macronutrient can’t be missed. Some experts say you should consume 30 grams of protein at every meal, while others say “enough” protein means 1 gram per pound of body weight a day (IDK if you did the math, but that’s well over what most of us are getting). But is protein really worth all the hype? Do you really need that much protein, and if so, why? What actually are the benefits of protein? And lastly, how much protein is “enough?” I asked experts to weigh in.

What happens to your body when you eat enough protein?

Before the protein you consume “feeds” your cells, tissues, muscles, and bones, it has to get broken down into amino acids in the stomach and small intestine. Thousands of amino acids (AKA the building blocks of protein) link up to form long chains, and the sequence of that chain determines its unique function in your body. Read on for the benefits of protein and how the buzzy nutrient plays a role in the body’s various functions.

You gain and maintain muscle mass

When you combine consistent weight training with adequate protein intake in regular intervals throughout the day, you optimize muscle protein synthesis, which helps build and maintain muscle mass. If you’re not in the gym lifting weights every week, you can still reap benefits from consuming ample protein. “Even for those who don’t exercise consistently, eating enough protein can help prevent the body from breaking down muscle for energy that results in muscle loss,” explained Destini Moody, RD, CSSD, LD, a registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching. On the other hand, if you don’t get enough dietary protein, your body won’t be able to rebuild properly, and you may start to lose muscle mass (whether you’re weight training or not).

You boost your metabolism

Your metabolism helps support weight management, energy levels, nutrient utilization, and blood sugar control. Moody explained that the more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism. Boosting your metabolism means increasing the rate at which your body burns calories or expends energy, Jordan Hill, MCD, RD, CSSD, a registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching told Eat This, Not That. Because protein has a higher thermic effect of food (TEF) compared to carbohydrates and fats, your body burns more calories in the process of digesting, absorbing, and utilizing protein. Over time, a lack of sufficient dietary protein can make you lose muscle mass, which in turn slows your metabolism. Eating enough protein ensures your metabolism is functioning efficiently so the body can burn the calories you need to stay healthy.

You support your gut health

A 2022 study suggested that dietary protein strongly impacts your gut microbiome and digestive function. In fact, the macronutrient is essential for gut function, namely for digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. Proteins are broken down into amino acids that synthesize enzymes involved in digestion. “Proper digestion is crucial for gut health, as it ensures the efficient absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products,” conveyed Alayna Hutchinson MS, LDN, RDN, a registered dietitian at microbiome biotech company Pendulum. Because many digestive functions depend on protein to break down into amino acids and absorb nutrients, if you don’t consume enough protein, you may experience digestive issues like gassiness and difficulty going to the bathroom.

You enhance your immune system

The antibodies our bodies use to fight off disease are made up of proteins. According to Moody, that is why people who don’t eat enough protein often find themselves getting sick more often, even if they’re eating an otherwise healthy diet. Immune cells in the gut rely on proteins to carry out their functions, such as identifying and eliminating pathogens. “The cells lining the intestinal wall rely on proteins for structural support, helping to prevent the passage of pathogenic organisms and other toxins from the gut into the bloodstream,” Hutchinson said. Without the antibodies, bacteria and viruses would roam freely and infect your body with diseases. Translation: If you don’t eat enough protein, you may find yourself getting sick more often. Eating enough protein helps strengthen the immune system.

You improve your skin and hair health

Protein is the best-kept beauty secret. Moody pointed out that the structure of skin, hair, and nails is largely made up of proteins, mainly keratin and collagen. As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen is responsible for the structure, elasticity, and rejuvenation of skin, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. When you get enough protein in your diet, you provide the necessary amino acids for collagen production, wound healing, and skin structure. However, when you have a protein deficiency, you’ll likely experience hair loss, weak nails, and dull skin.

what happens when you eat protein
Source: Kailee Collier | Dupe

How much protein do you really need?

Daily protein intake requirements aren’t one-size-fits-all. Protein needs can vary based on age, sex, body composition, activity level, and overall health. According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance, a sedentary adult should consume 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. However, Moody advised that the standard recommendation is less than the body needs for most fitness and wellness goals. “This number is designed to help the average person prevent protein deficiency, but isn’t necessarily the amount that we need,” she said. “In fact, it’s the bare minimum.” If you’re recovering from surgery, injury, or illness or you work out regularly, you likely have higher protein needs than the RDA’s average.

Dr. Shivani Amin, MD, a functional medicine physician, agreed, adding that those doing resistance training or endurance sports require more protein to support muscle repair and growth. She also noted that pregnancy, lactation, and some chronic illnesses may increase protein needs as well. If you fit in any of those categories, just how much more protein should you consume? Experts say 20-25 percent more than the recommended intake or 1.2–2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. For more specific guidelines, consult a registered dietitian or your doctor.

What type of protein do you need?

It’s not just the quantity of protein you eat that matters—the quality is just as important, and not all dietary proteins are created equal. Dr. Amin explained that the quality of protein, measured by its amino acid profile and digestibility, also affects how much protein is needed in your diet. When a protein contains all nine of the essential amino acids (or the amino acids that the body can’t produce itself, so we must get them from food), it’s considered a complete protein. High-quality protein sources, like organic meats, wild-caught fish, and eggs, are complete proteins, providing all the essential amino acids in the appropriate proportions.

If the protein is missing any of the nine essential amino acids, it’s called an incomplete protein (AKA most plant foods). While beans and rice are both incomplete proteins, if you pair them together, you get all the amino acids that you would when you eat a complete protein, like chicken. Or, take collagen powder. On its own, it’s an incomplete protein, but if you blend it with a nut butter in a smoothie, you can check off all the amino acids you need. The quality of the protein you eat can affect how well your body uses it, so eating a small serving of high-quality protein can go a longer way in reaching your protein intake goals and reaping the benefits of the macronutrient than a large serving of lower-quality protein.

Experts Consulted

Destini Moody, RD, CSSD, LD, Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Consulting

Destini is a board-certified specialist in sports nutrition and a registered dietitian with Top Nutrition Coaching. She has six years of experience working with collegiate and professional athletes, specializing in enhancing athletic performance through nutrition-timing strategies.

Jordan Hill, MCD, RD, CSSD, Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching

As a registered dietitian and certified sports dietetics specialist, Jordan has a successful track record working with pregnant/postpartum moms, athletes, and clients with chronic diseases and GI disorders. No matter what her client’s needs are, she works with each person to develop an individualized plan based on their specific needs.

Alayna Hutchinson MS, LDN, RDN, Registered Dietitian at Pendulum

Alayna has a background in clinical nutrition with a focus on community health. More recently, she has transitioned into functional medicine with a specialty in longevity and microbiome research. Alayna currently works with Pendulum Therapeutics, a biotech company pioneering ways for people to transform their health and wellness by unlocking the power of the gut microbiome.

Dr. Shivani Amin, MD, Functional Medicine Physician

After witnessing the power of holistic and herbal medicine to create lasting well-being, Dr. Amin began specializing in functional medicine as a means to help her patients live more efficient lives without the side effects of pharmaceutical medications. Focused on helping patients get to the root cause of their medical condition, she strives to help patients achieve a unified mind-body-spirit connection as the pathway to optimal health and well-being.

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Hailey Bieber’s New Blush Launch Gave Me Her Dewy, Flushed Skin For Under $25 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:09:41 +0000 rhode blush review Hailey Bieber—a model, mom-to-be, and now major beauty mogul—has made a splash in the beauty industry with her relatively new

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Hailey Bieber—a model, mom-to-be, and now major beauty mogul—has made a splash in the beauty industry with her relatively new brand, rhode. Known for her glowing complexion (and signature glazed donut nails), Hailey decided to channel her passion for beauty and skincare into creating products that are safe for all skin types and, most importantly, really work. While her Peptide Lip Treatment stole the show when it first came out (along with its matching phone case), there’s a new star in the rhode lineup—and it just might be the best of all. 

Meet the rhode Pocket Blush ($24). Hailey’s newest product, which will officially launch on June 20, is already my new favorite makeup staple. As rhode’s second color cosmetic and first outside of the lip category, this pocket-sized cream blush is available in a range of six gorgeous shades. With a diffused yet buildable color, this blush leaves behind a super natural flush color. (Trust me, achieving Hailey’s trademark glow has never been easier.) Ahead, I’ll give you a full rundown of this product as well as my honest opinion on whether it lives up to the hype.

rhode blush review
Source: rhode

Similar to most of rhode’s products, the Pocket Blush was designed with simplicity and versatility in mind. Hailey wanted to create something that could be easily incorporated into anyone’s beauty routine, regardless of their makeup expertise. What’s more, the blush is made to give off a natural, dewy flush that adds a pop of color to the skin without looking overdone. (Think sunkissed skin after a summer day outside.)

When Does Rhode’s Pocket Blush Come Out?

Rhode’s Pocket Blush will be available to order on Thursday, June 20; however, you can join the waitlist today.

rhode blush review
Pocket Blush
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How Much Does the Rhode Pocket Blush Cost?

Rhode’s Pocket Blush will retail for $24. As far as blush pricing goes, this is middle-of-the-road, falling on the lower end of the cost of the blushes you’d find at Sephora.

Where Can I Buy Rhode’s Pocket Blush?

Rhode’s Pocket Blush will be available exclusively on rhode’s website.

rhode blush review
Pocket Blush
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What Shades Does Rhode’s Pocket Blush Come In?

In terms of shades, there are six options, all of which are designed to complement a variety of skin tones. Choose from Piggy (baby pink), Freckle (neutral peach), Spicy Marg (bright coral), Sleepy Girl (soft mauve), Juice Box (hot pink), and Toasted Teddy (bronze terracotta).

Is Rhode’s Pocket Blush Dermatologist Approved?

Hailey has made it clear that she cares about the ingredients that go into every rhode product, which makes sense as to why this blush is infused with skin-friendly components like hyaluronic acid and vitamins E and C, which help to hydrate and protect the skin. The formula itself proves this, as it’s super creamy and almost a bit wet. It instantly hydrates skin, which is what helps it give off a dewy, skin-like finish. Plus, it’s vegan, cruelty-free, fragrance-free, formulated without gluten, and dermatologist-tested and developed.

Beyond the ingredients, this product is made to be easily buildable, which means you can make it as subtle or bold as you want. (I usually apply one or two swipes of product to achieve a really natural flush.) Plus, it’s versatile enough to be used not only on the cheeks but also on the lips, meaning you can have a monochromatic makeup look.

How to Use Rhode’s Pocket Blush

There are two ways you can apply this blush. One, you can either swipe it directly onto your skin or two, you can use a blush brush to apply it. When you apply it directly to the skin, I suggest gliding it upwards along your cheekbones. From there, gently pat it on your skin with your fingertips or a makeup sponge. (If you want more color, add another swipe and blend.) If you decide to use a blush brush, lightly sweep the product onto the apples of your cheeks, blending upwards towards the temples. (This technique mimics the natural flush you get after a brisk walk.) To top it all off, add a dash of product to your lips and the tip of your nose. 

Is Rhode’s Pocket Blush Worth It?

To be honest, I haven’t always been a fan of rhode. I tried the Peptide Lip Treatment when it launched but didn’t love the consistency (it felt a bit grainy). However, when I learned the brand was coming out with a blush, I knew I had to give it a try. (Hello, have you seen Hailey’s flushed cheeks?) I decided to try three different shades to see which one best complemented my skin tone—I opted for Sleepy Girl, Freckle, and Piggy. After swatching them on my wrist, I noticed that each one had a very natural finish and a light amount of pigment. 

When I first tried the Sleepy Girl pocket blush on my cheeks, it felt light and almost a bit cool. I blended it out with my fingertips, and it instantly soaked into my skin. I wanted a bit more of a flush, so I added another coat and really liked the outcome. I will be honest: This blush is not for someone who wants something bold. Even with the blendability, it’s still pretty sheer. That being said, this blush is perfect for those who want a natural, everyday flush. The final verdict? This blush is worth every penny for beauty buffs who want to ace Hailey’s signature no-makeup makeup look.

rhode blush review
Pocket Blush
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15 Delicious Recipes to Make for a Summer Dinner Party Mon, 10 Jun 2024 15:00:00 +0000 summer dinner party recipes Every summer, I have big dreams of hosting the most aesthetic outdoor dinner parties all season long. In my head,

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Every summer, I have big dreams of hosting the most aesthetic outdoor dinner parties all season long. In my head, these parties feature adorable custom menus with delicious summer recipes, a steady stream of fruity cocktails, friends impeccably dressed according to the theme, and good times had by all. Unfortunately, every year, when summer comes and goes, my summer dinner party fantasy still solely exists on my Pinterest boards and never comes to fruition. After all, planning a dinner party takes much more work than curating a mood board, and I never get past that step. However, I’m pledging that this is the summer I finally host the dinner party I have always wanted.

If you are anything like me and are committed to putting on the event of the summer, I’m here to make your planning that much easier by rounding up the best summer dinner party recipes. Whether you’re going for coastal chic or garden party galore, these recipes will check “decide on the menu” off your to-do list.

1. Strawberry Arugula Salad

summer dinner party recipes
Source: Cookie and Kate

A side salad is an essential summer dinner party recipe, and the fresher, the better. This recipe combines sweet strawberries, bitter arugula, radishes, red onion, basil, jalapeño, and sunflower seeds for a perfectly balanced blend of flavors. It’s so good it might steal the spotlight from your main course.

2. Parmesan Lemon Chicken

dinner party recipes
Source: Chungah Rhee

This parmesan lemon chicken looks and tastes fancy—thanks to the crisp, juicy chicken and creamy lemon garlic sauce—but it only takes 30 minutes to make. It’s an amazing entree for when you want to impress your guests but need to budget time efficiently to get the rest of dinner on the table.

3. Summer Cheese Board

dinner party recipes
Source: Chungah Rhee

Charcuterie boards are the best appetizers for a large group because there’s something for everyone. Plus, you don’t have to make anything from scratch. Simply head to the grocery store, fill your basket with plenty of cheeses and meats, artfully arrange everything on a platter, and add some seasonal fruits for a pop of color. This recipe makes it super easy to create a stunning cheese board, and you can customize it to your preferences.

4. Marinated Goat Cheese Strawberry Crostini

dinner party recipes
Source: Half Baked Harvest

Crostinis are easy to throw together but have some serious tablescape appeal. Beyond how good these look on a plate, they are also the perfect pairing of savory herbs with sweet berries and honey.

5. Lemon Pasta

dinner party recipes
Source: Love & Lemons

Lemon pasta is a summer staple and a great main course option if your guests are vegetarian. It’s made with simple, fresh ingredients and creates a zesty, flavorful dish just right for a summer dinner party.

6. Strawberry Mojito

dinner party recipes
Source: Half Baked-Harvest

No dinner party is complete without a signature cocktail, and this strawberry mojito is ideal for summer. All you need is white rum, strawberries, lime wedges, fresh mint, and ginger beer, which adds a fun twist. No matter your typical alcohol of choice, you are guaranteed to love this drink.

7. Tomato Galette

dinner party recipes
Source: Love & Lemons

Tomato girl summer is upon us, and this beautiful tomato galette is the perfect way to enjoy some seasonal produce. With buttery pastry, tangy goat cheese, and heirloom tomato filling, this dish is sure to impress your guests. It can be served as an appetizer, a side, or even an entrée.

8. Lavender Lemonade

dinner party recipes
Source: Downshiftology

It’s always nice to provide guests with a non-alcoholic drink option other than water so everyone can enjoy a fun bevy. Lemonade is such a quintessential summer drink, and the addition of lavender makes this classic even better.

9. Ceviche

dinner party recipes
Source: Downshiftology

Ceviche is an incredible appetizer when you want something light and fresh that won’t fill anyone up too much before the main meal. This recipe features white fish marinated in lemon and lime juices, then mixed with diced tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, and cilantro for a delicious ceviche dip.

10. Firecracker Salmon with Peach Avocado Salsa

dinner party recipes
Source: Ambitious Kitchen

This recipe spices up your usual weeknight salmon recipe with a homemade spicy marinade and peach avocado salsa to make it summer dinner party-worthy. Serve it on a bed of rice or quinoa or alongside a few tasty sides for a well-rounded meal.

11. Watermelon Peach Salad

dinner party recipes
Source: What’s Gaby Cooking

IMO, you can’t have a summer dinner party without some sort of watermelon on the menu. It’s a must when celebrating the season. This watermelon peach salad combines sweet, ripe fruits with cucumbers, salty feta, mint, and an oregano vinaigrette for a perfectly summery salad.

12. Strawberry Shortcake

dinner party recipes
Source: Life Love & Sugar

A showstopping dessert is a hallmark of a successful dinner party, and this strawberry shortcake will definitely check that box. Crumbly shortcake biscuits filled with strawberries and homemade whipped cream? Say no more.

13. Shrimp Scampi

dinner party recipes
Source: Foodie Crush

You might be surprised at how easy this shrimp scampi recipe is. It definitely feels fancy enough to be the star of a dinner party, but it’s actually not too difficult to make. This recipe breaks it down seamlessly and will leave you with a delicious dish in only 35 minutes.

14. Steak Kabobs

dinner party recipes
Source: Two Peas & Their Pod

Grilled kabobs give off the ultimate summer vibes, making this a great summer dinner party recipe. For these kabobs, you’ll marinate the steak in a mouthwatering concoction, then stack the meat on a skewer with mushrooms, bell pepper, and red onion. With just a few minutes on the grill, you’ll have a juicy, flavorful dish.

15. Lemon Raspberry Cookies

dinner party recipes
Source: Two Peas & Their Pod

Cookies are always a wonderful dessert, and swapping classic chocolate chip for this lemon raspberry combo creates a summery sweet treat. They will be the cherry (or, in this case, raspberry) on top of your summer dinner party.

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25 Healthy Dinners You Can Meal Prep on Sunday Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:40:34 +0000 healthy meal prep dinners There’s nothing that starts our week off right like a meal prep Sunday. With just an hour or two in

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There’s nothing that starts our week off right like a meal prep Sunday. With just an hour or two in the kitchen, you can prepare a whole slate of healthy meals and divide them into containers so they’re all set for your work week. Even if you’re not eating on the go, having individual meal prep dinners portioned out makes weeknight meals hassle-free and easy to clean up. All you have to do is reach in the fridge and heat up your already prepped dinner! No more weeknights spent struggling to figure out what to make when you’re already hungry after a long day. And because you’re not cooking a new dish every night of the week, meal prep saves you time and money while also helping you stay organized and on track with any dietary goals.

Ready to get on board? Here are 25 healthy meal prep dinners to add to your rotation. Whether you are vegan, paleo, gluten-free, or dairy-free—we’ve included something for everyone. These healthy meal prep recipes make the perfect dinners for busy weeknights.

1. Mediterranean Meal Prep Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: The Girl on Bloor

If you haven’t tried a Mediterranean bowl, you are missing out on one of the best and easiest meal prep dinner ideas. It is an absolute staple in my household that I turn to for a healthy, filling meal when I don’t have the energy to cook up something elaborate. Plus, this recipe keeps in the fridge super well, so it’s perfect for meal prep.

2. Easy Salmon Meal Prep Bowl

meal prep dinners
Source: Eating Bird Food

These meal prep salmon bowls are so tasty that you won’t mind eating them all week long. And thanks to the combination of sweet potatoes, broccolini, quinoa, and roasted salmon, this recipe is packed with nutrients and fresh flavors.

3. Carnitas Burrito Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: Fit Foodie Finds

Slow cooker meal prep recipes are the cooking hack everyone should know about. For these carnitas bowls, you can simply throw the meat in the slow cooker to roast while you check other things off your to-do list. Once the meat is nearly done, prep the rest of your toppings and then pile everything in a bowl for a delicious and filling dinner.

4. One Pan Italian Sausage with Veggies

meal prep dinners
Source: Chelsea’s Messy Apron

If you are hesitant to start meal prepping because you’re worried about all the dishes you will have to wash, this one-pan Italian sausage recipe is for you. It’s both quick and delicious, and it requires minimal cleanup—the perfect recipe if you ask me.

5. Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas

meal prep dinners
Source: How Sweet Eats

If you have an image in your mind of meal prep recipes that consist of strictly chicken and rice every day of the week, think again. This shrimp fajita recipe has tons of flavor and only takes 45 minutes to throw together from start to finish.

6. Slow Cooker Spaghetti Squash with Bolognese

meal prep dinners
Source: Half Baked Harvest

If you are a pasta lover like me but want a sneaky way to incorporate more veggies into your diet, try this spaghetti squash with bolognese. The spaghetti squash provides extra nutrients and fiber compared to typical pasta, and since it cooks in a slow cooker, it’s no more difficult to make.

7. Butter Chicken and Cauliflower

meal prep dinners
Source: Gimme Some Oven

The spicy, creamy curry sauce is the star of this dish, which you’ll want to add to your usual meal prep dinners rotation. This recipe is also gluten-free and can easily be made vegetarian by swapping the chicken for more cauliflower.

8. Honey Sriracha Glazed Meatballs

meal prep dinners
Source: Eat Yourself Skinny

These honey sriracha glazed meatballs add a little spice to your usual weeknight dinner menu. The sriracha in the sauce is balanced out with honey and soy sauce, creating the perfect kick without being too overwhelming.

9. Chicken Tawook Quinoa Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: What’s Gaby Cooking

This recipe is as easy as pairing grilled chicken breast skewers with quinoa, hummus, garlic sauce, avocados, cucumbers, and shredded lettuce. Spend a Sunday afternoon grilling up the skewers and prepping your toppings, then store everything separately until you’re ready to eat it to keep things fresh.

10. Mediterranean Pasta Salad 

meal prep dinners
Source: Feel Good Foodie

Pasta salad is an amazing meal for summer when it’s just too hot to turn on the oven and you need a dish that can cool you down. This Mediterranean version works perfectly as a vegetarian meal prep dinner, or you can add a protein source like chicken or salmon to make it more filling.

11. Sweet and Spicy Chili Tofu Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: She Likes Food

Thanks to the sweet, spicy, garlicky sauce, this tofu recipe is anything but bland. Made with completely vegan ingredients, it’s also healthy, filling, and easy to make.

12. Shells & Roasted Cauliflower

meal prep dinners
Source: Love and Lemons

This pasta recipe is ideal for warmer months because it’s not too heavy. The roasted cauliflower in this sweet and savory recipe is to die for and is a great way to get more veggies into your diet.

13. Creamy Coconut Lentil Curry

meal prep dinners
Source: The Endless Meal

Lentils are great for meal prep recipes because they keep well in the fridge and continue to soak up flavor the longer they sit. If you’re looking for a flavorful, meatless recipe, look no further.

14. Sheet Pan Chicken Tinga Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: Pinch of Yum

In just 45 minutes, you can have delicious homemade dinners prepped for the whole week. These sheet-pan chicken tinga bowls are super easy to make but packed with flavor thanks to the chipotle tinga sauce.

15. Honey Sesame Chicken

meal prep dinners
Source: Sweet Peas and Saffron

Stir fry recipes keep in the fridge and reheat so well, making them a great option for meal prep dinners. Plus, they taste great and are super customizable. This recipe’s honey sesame sauce goes well with anything, so feel free to swap out the veggies or protein source based on your preferences to create your ultimate meal prep bowl.

16. Greek Chicken Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: Eat the Grains

These meal prep bowls combine marinated chicken thighs and herb-infused rice with classic Greek flavors like tzatziki sauce, kalamata olives, and cherry tomatoes. And since this recipe is meant to be eaten cold, you don’t even need to heat it up before chowing down.

17. Curried Chickpea Bowls with Garlicky Spinach

meal prep dinners
Source: Eating Bird Food

This recipe is super efficient because you can use the same skillet to cook both the garlicky spinach and the curried chickpeas while your brown rice cooks in a separate pot. Once everything is ready, divvy the components up between bowls and you’ll be set with vegan meal prep dinners for the whole week.

18. One Pan Steak and Veggies

meal prep dinners
Source: Chungah Rhee | Damn Delicious

Nothing makes my mouth water more than the phrase “easy cleanup,” and this recipe is exactly that. It combines seasoned, tender steak with crispy potatoes and broccoli for a fantastic weeknight dinner that requires just one pan.

19. Slow Cooker Taco Spice Chili

meal prep dinners
Source: Sally’s Baking Addiction

You may not usually think of chili when it’s sweltering outside, but this recipe is so good, you’ll crave it regardless of the weather. Simply brown your ground turkey or beef, throw all the ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the work for you.

20. Vegetarian Kung Pao Quinoa Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: Fit Foodie Finds

Vegetarian meals that don’t leave your stomach growling afterward can be difficult to find, but this kung pao quinoa bowl will fill you up. It’s packed with veggies and completely customizable, so you won’t get bored of this recipe quickly.

21. Meal Prep Southwest Chicken Burrito Bowls

meal prep dinners
Source: Jar of Lemons

If you want all of the flavors of a burrito without the soggy tortilla you get when you try to make them ahead of time, try this bowl. It’s easy to make and will put your usual Tex-Mex takeout order to shame.

22. Dairy Free White Chicken Chili

meal prep dinners
Source: The Movement Menu

Dairy-sensitive girlies, trust me when I say you need to try this dairy-free white chicken chili. It’s all the creamy goodness of a typical white chili without the stomach pain.

23. Chickpea Noodle Soup

meal prep dinners
Source: Detoxinista

Chicken noodle soup is the best comfort meal, and this recipe subs chicken for chickpeas, so vegetarians can enjoy it, too. Make a big batch on Sunday to keep in the fridge for easy, filling dinners all week.

24. Creamy Kale Caesar Salad

meal prep dinners
Source: The Movement Menu

Caesar salad is the superior salad, and this creamy kale-based recipe somehow makes the classic even better. Packed with green apple, avocado, cucumbers, red onion, and sliced almonds, this salad has so much more texture and variety than your typical Caesar. It is also dairy-free, paleo-friendly, and Whole30-approved.

25. Roasted Root Vegetable Stew

meal prep dinners
Source: A Saucy Kitchen

This hearty vegetable stew will fill you up with healthy veggies without compromising on flavor. With well-seasoned, caramelized vegetables mixed with tomato sauce, it’s a tasty, filling dinner to meal prep.

The post 25 Healthy Dinners You Can Meal Prep on Sunday appeared first on The Everygirl.

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7 Career Goals You Can Set Now & Accomplish By Year-End Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:00:00 +0000 career goals We’re halfway through the year, which is… wild. For many of us, the year’s halfway point is when our initial

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We’re halfway through the year, which is… wild. For many of us, the year’s halfway point is when our initial burst of motivation to kick ass in our careers slows down or wears off altogether. In my case, I entered this calendar year with clear career goals, but lately, I’ve noticed that my progress has slowed down immensely. Maybe you’re like me, or maybe you’re the total opposite: Someone who has already crushed their goals from the top of the year and is excited to set more (go you!). Maybe you land somewhere in the middle and your initial plans need some tweaking, or maybe you didn’t set any goals at all and could use a little push to avoid a mid-year slump.

Regardless of where you are today, here’s the good news: There’s still plenty of time to make strides in your career this year. Instead of falling into the trap of coasting or thinking, “I’ll try again next year,” now is the time to re-evaluate what you want and how you’re going to get it. Whether you’re looking to uplevel your career, set additional goals, or just need a little motivation to kickstart the second half of the year, here are seven goals that you can set now and accomplish in the next six months.

1. Learn a new skill

One of the most effective ways to stand out for a promotion, become more valuable in the workplace, and expand your experience is to develop a new skill. Luckily, depending on the skill you want to learn, nailing a new one doesn’t have to take long, which makes it a great mid-year goal to set. Online platforms like Coursera and Hubspot offer a wide range of free and low-cost courses you can check out and sign up for.

You can find courses specifically geared towards general professional and life development like DEI work or pick up job-relevant skills like data analysis, email marketing, or public speaking. Completion of these courses often results in a certificate, which can be added to your resume, immediately! I completed a digital marketing course when I was initially applying for marketing jobs and later added it to my resume. I truly credit my current full-time position to that addition!

Thankfully, you can do most courses on your own time and at your own pace, so you don’t have to worry about them overwhelming your current workload. It’s entirely possible to complete at least one course by the end of the year—and maybe even a few if you have the time. Search the online platforms mentioned previously or check out your company’s resources to see what you can complete before year-end! The more skills you have at your disposal, the better.

2. Establish a mentorship

Many companies offer internal training programs relevant to their specific employees’ trajectories, but if you’re interested in more one-on-one work, finding or becoming a mentor is something to look into! The right mentoring relationship can help you excel in everything from professional growth to work-life balance and more, and you can definitely make this happen before the end of the year.

Finding a mentor

If you’re interested in finding a mentor, begin by getting clear on your goals, identifying how someone could help you reach them, and thinking about who that person could be. Who has the job, responsibilities, or skill set you’d like to have in 5, 10, or 15 years? Make a list of the people you’re visualizing and do your research on their careers. Then, set up an informal meeting with a few people you look up to. After you’ve met with a few, decide who is the best fit to help you with your career goals and formally ask them to be your mentor. Be clear about why you want to learn from them and what you admire about their work. Then, you can work on what your mentor relationship will look like: how often you will meet, how they will assist you, and more.

Becoming a mentor

If you’re serious about becoming a mentor by the end of the year, assess what you can offer to a mentee before jumping in headfirst. Once you’ve identified the areas you’d like to help someone grow (think: workplace confidence or a specific career skill), start letting people know you’re available. Use platforms like LinkedIn or professional forums to spread the word or reach out to friends and colleagues who can recommend you to their professional networks. Once you’ve found a mentee that you feel confident about, establish regular check-ins and determine what you both hope to achieve out of the mentorship.

Both having or becoming a mentor can help you grow through uncharted territory in your career, fill the gaps in your knowledge and resume, network with potential opportunities, and push you toward achieving your goals. Not only can you establish these relationships within a few weeks or months, but they can serve you throughout your entire career.

3. Join (or create) a committee

Are you interested in getting involved in the workplace? Set a goal to join a committee by year-end! Not only can being a part of a committee improve your skills but it can expand your network and increase your visibility within your company. (A little face time with the higher-ups never hurt anyone!) I’m the Co-chair of my company’s Employee Relations Committee, and I’ve already seen improvements in how I approach my day-to-day job—like how much more comfortable I am leading team meetings. Ask your manager what committees are available to you and choose the one that sounds the most interesting and beneficial.

If none of the existing committees sound particularly interesting, create a new one to benefit a different need within the company! Start by talking to your coworkers to gauge needs and interests before jumping in. (You don’t want to start one that no one thinks will be beneficial or would care to join.) Is there a desire for social activities like after-work happy hours? Create a social committee. Are there concerns about workplace culture that aren’t being addressed? Form a Culture Committee. Once you’ve identified a need and a direction, reach out to your HR department for institutional support, choose a leader (or a chair) to ensure it functions effectively, invite people to join, and set your first meeting!

When it comes down to it, committees often play a crucial role in changing company policies and contributing to a better workplace. By joining or creating one before the end of the year, you will not only scratch your itch to get more involved but also bring a little bit of spark to that desk job, which we could all use from time to time.

4. Organize a professional event

Maybe your company’s events are a total bore and could use help coming to life. Or, maybe you’re interested in pushing the culture of your industry forward and think an event could be the way to do that. Either way, setting a goal to organize an event (or help organize one) before the end of the year is completely doable. You can start small and offer to help with your company’s holiday party or you can think big and organize a virtual industry meet-up. Whatever you choose to do, organizing an event could benefit you in more ways than one. You will network with others throughout the planning process, strengthen your time-management muscle, and even have a little fun along the way.

Talk to your manager (or colleagues in your network if you’re self-employed) about your interest in organizing an event by year’s end, and present your ideas! They will likely be able to help you get started or point you in the direction of someone who can help you bring your event to life. Or, they might even want to get involved themselves! You never know—this could become your new favorite way to get involved at work. No matter what, events have the opportunity to seriously move the needle in your industry and your professional career, so get started planning one now!

5. Strengthen an area of weakness

Are you bad at getting to know your co-workers outside of team meetings? Set a goal to attend at least one happy hour a month. Maybe pulling stats reports takes you longer than you’d like it to. What small changes could you implement to shave even a few minutes off your usual time? One of my goals is to become comfortable and efficient at processing invoices, so I process at least one per day and am already seeing improvements in my ability to complete them.

Make a list of actionable steps you can take between now and the end of the year to tackle your area(s) of weakness. For example, if your goal is to work on expanding your professional network, what does that look like in reality? You can research upcoming industry events in your area or roundtables that are digitally accessible, and make a plan to attend at least one every month between now and December. Hold yourself accountable to these events as if they are required job responsibilities, and determine the kinds of connections you want to make while at them.

Taking small, actionable steps strengthens your growth mindset and yields real-time results. You can’t overcome something you don’t work on. Setting mini challenges for yourself throughout the rest of the year is an amazing way to approach your goals.

6. Streamline a process (or create one)

Everyone has dealt with a process that leaves you feeling frustrated and saying, “There’s got to be a better way to do this.” Dealing with a less-than-efficient process can leave you dreading work responsibilities on the daily, and we can’t have that feeling getting in the way of our career goals. Set a goal to identify and streamline a process that isn’t working for you, or create one that doesn’t currently exist by the end of the calendar year.

Allow yourself a small amount of time to tweak it every day and explore alternative options until you nail the new process. (Just make sure to talk to your manager or warn your team before you start messing with the existing flow). It won’t be perfect at first, but small improvements over time yield big results. Strengthening individual or company-wide processes will not only benefit your workflow, but it is great to point out when it comes time for a promotion or an upcoming interview. It shows you’re able to think outside of the box, problem-solve, and increase efficiency. Since some processes are easier to tackle than others, you might only have the time to overhaul one big one before year-end or you might be able to tackle a bunch of tiny processes.

7. Find a new job

Finding a new position or role right now can feel like an uphill battle. Between layoffs and hiring freezes, in the words of Olivia Rodrigo… it’s brutal out here. But if you’re dreaming of a new challenge or want to take on a new career path, don’t wait. Start by reflecting on your goals and strengths and researching industries and target roles that you’re interested in. Are the positions you’re looking at ones that you’ve already built the skill set for? Do you need to supplement with a course before applying?

Next, revamp your resume and update your digital presence. Your portfolio and website should always be up to date, especially in the midst of a job search. Finally, increase your activity on LinkedIn and begin firing out applications. Relying on your professional network is a great way to learn about open job opportunities and manifest your dream position.

All of these things can take some time to do, especially if you’re working full time, but set a goal each week or month to work on your job search. Whether you need to work on a skill for a new role or you need to network more to find opportunities, hold yourself accountable! Set deadlines for yourself to do these things. By the end of the year, you’ll be closer to landing your dream job. Or, if you’re lucky, you’ll already have a shiny new title you’re proud of.

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I’m a Frequent Traveler—These Are the Drugstore Essentials I Always Pick up Before a Trip Sun, 09 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000 As with most endeavors in my life, I am well-versed in the art of packing 10 minutes before a trip.

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As with most endeavors in my life, I am well-versed in the art of packing 10 minutes before a trip. Planning has never been my forté, but after three decades of life, I’ve finally struck the balance of putting off my responsibilities until the 11th hour but still (somehow?) being the most prepared of the friend group. While I’d like to give credit to myself for being a packing prodigy, I can’t even lie—most of my pre-vacation shuffle happens in the aisles of CVS as I’m filling my basket with those last-minute drugstore travel essentials.

My method looks a little something like this: A few days before my trip, I start setting aside all of my “use everyday” items into a pile on the ground. While it creates a bit of chaos for a few days ahead of travel, it really helps me ensure I’m accounting for all of my getting-ready essentials and not forgetting any crucial items (i.e., my retinol, which I’ll simply shrivel up and die without). Out of these piles, I’ll typically make a list in my notes app of 1) what’s missing and 2) what of this pile can’t come with me, mostly due to size. About 24 hours before boarding, I’ll hit up my local CVS to fill in those gaps, and then I’ll do a lap around the store to jog my memory for any items I might be missing, like snacks, eyelashes, sunscreen, etc. I’m off to the South of France in a few days, and here are some items in my basket RN:

CVS | Liquid I.V.
Hydration Packets

Between jet lag, dry plane cabins, and lots of walking, I’ll definitely be getting a ton of use out of these Liquid I.V. hydration multipliers. I’m already guilty of not drinking enough water so any chance I get, I’ll be adding this in to help me feel my best all day long.

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Energy Gummies

If you know, you know—jet lag is no joke. I don’t want to have to pound 10 coffees to keep me awake, so I love having these energy gummies on hand to keep the pep in my step regardless of the time change.

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Immunity Gummies

Despite my efforts, it never fails that I get at least a little sick while traveling. This time around, I’m calling in reinforcements with these gummies that have echinacea, zinc, vitamin C, and elderberry to give my immune system an extra edge.

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CVS Health
Melatonin Tablets

I knew I needed to grab some melatonin to help me catch some Zzzs on my overnight flight and to tell my body, “It’s time for sleep,”  in my first few days in France despite the time change. When I saw this one was eligible for a buy-one-get-one deal until 6/22, I picked it up with lightning speed.

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CVS | Well Market
Chocolate Hazelnut Clusters

I’m a sucker for anything hazelnut and I love that these will satisfy my sweet tooth while saving me some money at the airport (because God knows, I do not need to be spending $20 on a granola bar). 

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CVS | Wonderful
Roasted Pistachios

You can’t have sweet without a little bit of savory, and these pistachios (which are on sale for $4.99 until 6/22) will hit the spot when I grow tired of my Chocolate Hazelnut clusters. And when I’m tired of these? Back to the clusters. Rinse, repeat, and save some $$$ at the airport, if you will.

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CVS | Mrs. Meyer’s
Lavender Hand Sanitizer

It’s no secret that making your way through an airport isn’t exactly the most sanitary experience on Earth, so having this on hand to use before eating, after going through security, or after encountering any surfaces on the plane is a must. I don’t have time to be getting sick on my vacation, and as a girl who cannot stop touching her face, clean hands are a non-negotiable.

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CVS | Busy Co.
Deodorant Wipes

There’s no shame in needing a deodorant touch-up throughout the day, especially after a long haul on an airplane. Having these on hand when lugging around heavy suitcases or hitting 10,000+ steps while exploring your destination will be a godsend. 

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CVS | Garnier
Micellar Cleansing Water

This all-in-one cleansing water is already the hero of days when I’m in a rush, so when I found it in a travel size, I bought not one, but TWO. It’s great for even the most stubborn makeup, and it’s also super refreshing on your skin after a long travel day.

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CVS | CeraVe
Hydrating Facial Cleanser

I swear by this hydrating cleanser, so picking it up in a size that can make it through security was an obvious choice. This is the only cleanser I’ve ever used that gets all of the dirt, makeup, and SPF off of my face without making my skin feel tight and dry.

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CVS | Bubble
Hydrating Face Moisturizer

All of my face moisturizers come in giant glass tubs that I can’t take on a plane so I love that this one is super compact and has tons of five-star reviews.

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CVS | Starface
Pimple Patches

I always make sure to stock up on pimple patches ahead of vacationing because traveling always tends to wreak havoc on my skin. These ones are cute enough to walk around with if you’re feeling brave, and most importantly, they keep me from picking at my skin which I’m consistently guilty of when a pimple emerges.

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CVS | Sun Bum
Sunscreen Face Mist

This sunscreen is quite literally the perfect travel product—it’s small, easy to apply, doesn’t leave that dreaded white sheen on my face, and gives strong UV protection so I don’t look like a tomato in all of my vacation photos.

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Hydrogel Face Mask

In my humble opinion, these are the best face masks money can buy. Because it’s a hydrogel mask, it actually adheres to your skin instead of sliding right off, and this one hydrates, refines pores, and rejuvenates skin in just 10 minutes.

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CVS | Maybelline
Waterproof Mascara

Because I plan to spend 90 percent of my time on a beach in the hot sun and South of France waters, picking up a waterproof mascara was a no-brainer. This one came highly recommended by my coworkers and it’s currently on sale until 6/22 ($4 Extracare Bucks for spending $12 on this product = my idea of a good time).

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CVS | Monday Haircare
Smoothing Shampoo

This shampoo works wonders on my dry, frizzy hair, which I love because that means I don’t have to resort to hotel hair products that never do me justice.

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CVS | Monday Haircare
Moisturizing Conditioner

Made with coconut oil and shea butter, this conditioner keeps my hair soft and shiny even when it can feel difficult to maintain my usual haircare routine while traveling.

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CVS | Wet Brush
Mini Detangling Brush

I have one of these mini brushes in every single bag I own, and I just picked up another one ahead of my trip to France because I truly cannot stop buying them. At the end of a long travel day or before taking pictures, it’s a major lifesaver.

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CVS | Tresemmé
Extra Hold Gel

I am nothing if not a slick back bun connoisseur, and this gel is my go-to for getting the perfect end result every single time.

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This post is sponsored by CVS, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.


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We Found the Absolute Best Denim Shorts Available Under $100 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 20:03:13 +0000 best denim shorts There used to come a time every May where the jeans shorts tucked away in the back of my dresser

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There used to come a time every May where the jeans shorts tucked away in the back of my dresser start haunting my every thought. (Why do they never fit the same way they did last summer?!) I was tired of the age-old denim short freak-out, so I made it a goal to find a pair of denim shorts I’d actually look forward to wearing.

During my quest for the perfect pair of denim shorts, an important factor was that they were made of high-quality materials that held up year after year. Another important factor was the price. For something I wear during less than half the year, I didn’t want to break my budget looking for the perfect pair. Lucky for you, I found 16 pairs that hit both of those points. Below are 16 pairs of the best denim shorts that’ll stand the test of time, and they all come in at under $100.

best denim shorts
High-Rise Dad Shorts

If we had to pick the shorts of the summer, they’re 100% Abercrombie’s High-Rise Dad Shorts. These sell out quick, so if you see your size in stock, we’d recommend you snag it ASAP. The denim is comfy and not too tight or rigid, and the length sits perfectly at mid-thigh. They give the perfect amount of vintage vibes with a modern feel.

9 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 37

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best denim shorts
High-Rise Mom Shorts

Abercrombie’s Curve Love line is heaven-sent if you’re prone to waist gapping in your jeans. They account for extra inches in the hip and thigh so that waist-gapping is literally non-existent. Their High Rise Mom shorts have a shorter hem than the Dad Shorts, but still offer a good amount of coverage and a comfy yet snug fit.

6 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 37

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best denim shorts
Vintage Jean Shorts

Madewell’s Perfect Vintage Jeans already hold a soft spot in our hearts, so it’s a no brainer that their Perfect Vintage Jean Shorts do as well. These mid-length shorts are fitted at the waist and flare out to give that perfect cut-off look.

available in sizes 23 to 33

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best denim shorts
Patch Pocket Denim Shorts

Patch pockets on denim are so in right now, especially when paired with ballet flats or platform sandals this summer. These Madewell shorts are made of their signature denim that is meant to hold you in and accentuate you in all the right places. (Um, yes please.) The curvy fit prevents waist-gapping if that’s an issue for you, and the A-line style of the shorts is flattering on absolutely everyone.

3 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 33

Plus-size options available

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best denim shorts
Emmett Denim Short

These fitted A-line shorts from Madewell are made of structured denim that give enough stretch while still looking and feeling already broken in. With a 5.5” inseam, they’re the perfect length that isn’t too long or too short. They have front welt pockets that hide the pockets along the waistband, which give these classic shorts a fun, vintage look.

available in sizes 14W to 28W

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best denim shorts
Mid-Thigh Shorts

Levi’s 501 Jeans are truly going to be a classic until the end of time, and the fact that they came out with a mid-thigh length for their shorts is truly a game changer. These shorts are made of 100% cotton and have a broken-in look, so if someone asks you if they’re vintage, you can sort-of say yes.

7 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 34

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best denim shorts
’80s Mom Shorts

Another vintage-looking classic from Levi’s, their ‘80s Mom Shorts are a reliable option to return to summer after summer. Their high-rise waist and A-line silhouette lend to a flattering silhouette for everyone. They’re short, but still long enough to cover you up to ensure no wardrobe malfunctions occur.

4 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 33

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best denim shorts
Baggy Highwater Shorts

Like it or not, looooong denim shorts are back in style. Take this trend for a spin with this pair from Levi’s. Made of 95% cotton with a 6.5” inseam, they’re not too long, and they offer a baggy fit to pair with all your tanks, tees, or button-ups all season long.

4 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 34

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best denim shorts
A-Line Denim Shorts

Everlane’s denim is not one to be overlooked. These shorts are made of 100% non-stretch organic cotton, so you know they have a soft-yet-durable feel. This pair flares out at the hem and sits right at the upper thigh for a hem that isn’t too tight or uncomfortable on the thigh.

5 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 33

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best denim shorts
Old Navy
Boyfriend Jean Shorts

Not into the high-waisted look? Old Navy always has some of the best denim with options at every possible rise, and these Mid-Rise Boyfriend Cut-Off shorts sit right below the belly button for a perfect mid-rise waist. These cotton shorts have a good soft stretch to them, and aren’t skin-tight, so they’re ideal for occasions you’ll be wearing them for long periods. Let’s not forget to mention that this high-quality pair is on sale right now for $20.

4 colors available

available in sizes 0 to 30

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best denim shorts
Low-Rise Denim Shorts

Gap’s denim is going to deliver every single time, and their low-rise denim shorts are a perfect option if you’re looking to try out the low-rise trend this summer. They’re loose throughout the hip and thigh, and are made of a 95% non-stretch cotton material. These jeans only get better with time. An investment, if you ask us.

3 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 36

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best denim shorts
Relaxed Denim Shorts

Looking for a pair of shorts that are actually comfortable and won’t break the bank? These ones are your girl. Made of 99% cotton, so they won’t sag throughout the day, but will mold to your body’s shape with wear (and look cute while doing so!). Plus, they’re on sale right now for $25.

2 colors available

available in sizes 10 to 30

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best denim shorts
& Other Stories
High-Waist Denim Shorts

& Other Stories seriously has some of the best denim options and I’m ready for the whole world to know! Their denim shorts are soft and comfortable, but still have that lived-in hard denim look. For being made of a non-stretch denim, these might be some of the comfiest denim shorts out there.

3 colors available

available in sizes 0 to 12

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best denim shorts
Mom-fit Shorts

Zara is here to show us that mom-fit shorts aren’t going out of style any time soon. These denim shorts are made of 99% cotton, and are a great pick-up if you want a quality pair of denim shorts. With their affordable price tag, we recommend getting a pair in every color.

4 colors available

available in sizes 25 to 32

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best denim shorts
Mom-fit Denim Shorts

Cuffed shorts never go out of style, and Mango knew what they were doing when they made this pair. These shorts are made of 100% cotton and are soft and stretchy for all-day wear. The inseam stops at mid thigh, and are definitely going to be the shorts that stick with you for every summer activity you have in your calendar.

3 colors available

available in sizes 1 to 22

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best denim shorts
Mid-Thigh Denim Shorts

If you’re looking for a less-structured, super-relaxed pair of denim shorts, try this Aritzia mid-thigh pair. These shorts are made to only get better the more you wear them, and are made of 100% Italian cotton. The frayed hem is always going to be in style, and brings a casual-cool vibe to the shorts.

8 colors available

available in sizes 23 to 32


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Sarah J. Maas’ 15 Books Are BookTok Royalty—Here’s Where to Start if You Want to Read Them Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:46:20 +0000 sarah j maas books Last year, I read more books than I had in a really long time. And I credit that to one

The post Sarah J. Maas’ 15 Books Are BookTok Royalty—Here’s Where to Start if You Want to Read Them appeared first on The Everygirl.

Last year, I read more books than I had in a really long time. And I credit that to one person: Sarah J. Maas—well she and my friend who would not stop recommending her books to me. Before I knew it, I had read 15 books in just three short months. Going from reading just a handful of books a year to that many in such a short amount of time was nothing short of a miracle for me. The experience reignited my passion and excitement for reading in a way I didn’t think was possible.

No matter what side of BookTok you’re on, there’s absolutely zero chance you haven’t heard of Sarah J. Maas. She writes “those faerie books,” better known as the holy trinity of romantic fantasy: A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, and Crescent City. With 16 books in those series and more to come, it can be hard to figure out exactly where to start. Throw in an intense debate over the “correct” reading order for one of the series and perhaps trepidation about trying a genre you don’t usually read, and the entire venture may seem too daunting to even attempt.

That’s where I come in. If you’re curious about stepping into the world of fantasy or you already know you like the genre and just want a little bit of guidance before diving into a new author’s extensive catalog, I have you covered. So take note, ready your Kindle, library card, or Starbucks for a trip to your local bookstore, and get reading. Here’s the order you should read Sarah J. Maas’s books for the ultimate introduction to the Maasverse:

1. A Court of Thorns and Roses Books 1-3

This is the Sarah J. Maas series you’ve probably heard the most about. Though the first book was published in 2015, it has recently gained a ton of new readers thanks to BookTok—which absolutely loves this series. There are currently five books out in the series, with more to come, but I actually recommend only reading the first three to begin with.

As a series, ACOTAR is the most accessible to readers new to the fantasy genre. It’s romance-heavy, so if you’re coming from that world this is the perfect entry point. Make no mistake, this is a fantasy series first, but the worldbuilding is simple enough that it shouldn’t be intimidating to anyone who hasn’t read the genre before. At the same time, if you know you already like fantasy, there’s a good chance you’re going to like this series too. It has all the things we love about the genre, and it’s arguably the best romance in Sarah J Maas’s entire body of work.

The first three books are Feyre Archeron’s story—and it’s a complete story that can stand on its own. The fourth book transitions the series into a new phase, one that centers on characters other than Feyre. Namely, book five is Feyre’s sister Nesta’s story, and there are rumors (pretty strong ones) that the next book in the series will be Feyre’s other sister’s story. Because of that, read the first three ACOTAR books and then move on to Sarah J. Maas’ next series. We’ll come back to the world of ACOTAR later.

Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Thorns and Roses Paperback Box Set

In A Court of Thorns and Roses, Feyre is whisked away into the dangerous, alluring world of the Fae by the High Lord of the Spring Court. Throughout her adventures, she’ll fall in love, lose her heart, face her demons, and learn what she is truly capable of. The world of A Court of Thorns and Roses is expanded in book five with Nesta’s story, and there’s more of Prythian to come.

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2. Throne of Glass

The Throne of Glass world and story are a bit more complicated than the ones in ACOTAR, but with those books under your belt, you’ll have no problem sinking into this series. The reason this series is second in my reading order is that you need to really be in on this adventure and ACOTAR will get you there. The one thing I will say is that the first two books in this series read very young. I actually had a hard time getting through them and definitely rolled my eyes at some of the more juvenile parts. Maas started writing these books when she was a teenager, and it shows quite a bit in the first two Throne of Glass books. However, reading these books for the first time was a life-altering experience akin to reading Harry Potter, and I can’t recommend them enough.

There is quite a bit of debate as to the order you should read these books. And that’s because Maas released a series of prequel novellas (packaged together in one volume, The Assassin’s Blade) after the second book came out. There are three reading orders to choose from. Publication order, or, reading the series in the order they were published, with the prequel coming after the first two books. The “romantic order,” which places the prequel after the third book in the series for the most emotional impact (this is the order I did and recommend). And the “purist order,” which means reading the series in order of the timeline, with the prequel coming first. You can also choose to read Tower of Dawn and Empire of Storms in tandem as they take place during the same time period in-universe, or separately. However, the tandem read provides readers of the series with an emotional experience like no other, and it’s what I recommend.

YA Fantasy enthusiast T.L. Branson put together this handy printable which fans refer to as the definitive Throne of Glass reading order guide. If you want my advice, go with the romantic order and the tandem read. By the end of the series, you’ll be a puddle of emotions—but in a good way, I promise.

…reading these books for the first time was a life-altering experience akin to reading Harry Potter, and I can’t recommend them enough.

Sarah J. Maas
Throne of Glass Paperback Box Set

In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She has no love for the vicious king who rules from his throne of glass, but she has not come to kill him. She has come to win her freedom. Her name is Celaena Sardothien and as dark forces gather on the horizon—forces that threaten to destroy her entire world—Celaena must fight to protect everything she holds dear.

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3. A Court of Thorns and Roses Books 4 & 5

After the emotional rollercoaster that is Throne of Glass, it’s time to return to the world of A Court of Thorns and Roses. The fourth book in the series, A Court of Frost and Starlight, is near and dear to my heart, though not everyone feels the same (shoutout to our CEO!). It’s technically a novella, though it is 263 pages long. It serves as a bridge between the third ACOTAR book, which is the end of Feyre’s story, and the next phase of the series, where Maas begins to explore more of the characters (who you’ll grow to love fervently and hate passionately throughout the first three books).

The fourth ACOTAR book is actually the perfect book to read after the final Throne of Glass book because it’s like a Hallmark Christmas movie. The characters are celebrating the Winter Solstice, and though heavy themes are touched on, at its heart it’s just a charming little story where the characters exchange presents and engage in hijinks. It might sound silly, but the final Throne of Glass book had me sobbing, so you’ll want something uplifting and fun next.

After A Court of Frost and Starlight, it’s time for the next full-length ACOTAR book, A Court of Silver Flames. It follows Nesta in the aftermath of the war in Prythian. She’s a very divisive character, with fans loving and hating her in equal measure. For my part, I loved her by the end. As a bonus for my romance readers, this is the smuttiest book in the series, and probably Sarah J. Maas’ smuttiest book of all. That said, there’s more to come here so we’ll see where the sixth book lands on the scale.

Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Thorns and Roses Paperback Box Set

Follow Feyre’s journey into the dangerous, alluring world of the Fae, where she will lose her heart, face her demons, and learn what she is truly capable of. The world of A Court of Thorns and Roses is expanded in book five with Nesta’s story, and there’s more of Prythian to come.

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4. Crescent City

After finishing up with ACOTAR, it’s time to read the most recent of Maas’ series. Crescent City is probably the hardest world to get into, mostly because there is a lot going on. In fact, the first 100 or so pages of House of Earth and Blood will have you wishing you took notes to refer back to. That said, it’s a truly interesting story with fun characters, a stellar romance, and a world-shattering plot. If you follow this reading order, by the time you get to this series you’ll be a bonafide Maas pro, so getting past the complex world-building will be no problem.

Reading this series last will also set you up for the perfect reading experience. I’m not going to give anything away, but the ending of House of Sky and Breath essentially broke BookTok and it’s not an experience you’ll understand unless you take the journey I’ve laid out for you one step at a time. This 16-book adventure ends perfectly with the final book in the Crescent City series—and it’s an experience I wish I could have for the first time again myself. By the time you turn the last page, you’ll be left banging on SJM’s door begging for more like the rest of us.

Sarah J. Maas
Crescent City

Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life—working hard all day and partying all night—until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation, and she’ll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths.

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Sarah J. Maas
House of Sky and Breath

Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar are trying to get back to normal—they may have saved Crescent City, but with so much upheaval in their lives lately, they mostly want a chance to relax. Slow down. Figure out what the future holds. However, rebels have begun chipping away at the Asteri’s power, and Bryce and Hunt find themselves pulled back into the fight.

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sarah j. maas
Sarah J. Maas
House of Flame and Shadow

Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she’s going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that’s no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust.

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The post Sarah J. Maas’ 15 Books Are BookTok Royalty—Here’s Where to Start if You Want to Read Them appeared first on The Everygirl.

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Jaw-Dropping: This Cozy, Pattern-Filled Home Stopped Us in Our Tracks Fri, 07 Jun 2024 17:20:31 +0000 sara charlesworth home tour Some homes are so full of personality that their energy seems to jump through the screen so you can actually

The post Jaw-Dropping: This Cozy, Pattern-Filled Home Stopped Us in Our Tracks appeared first on The Everygirl.

Some homes are so full of personality that their energy seems to jump through the screen so you can actually feel it just by scrolling through social media. Sara Charlesworth’s Salt Lake City, Utah, home is just that. After purchasing the fixer-upper in 2021, Sara is now restoring it for her family of four. In the process, she has masterfully curated a cozy space filled with playfulness, charm, and a welcoming ambience that makes guests feel like they can walk right in and make themselves at home. Personality shines throughout every room, thanks to a combination of lively wallpapers, tons of color, and whimsical knickknacks that add the perfect final touches. Keep scrolling for Sara’s vintage-filled home tour and her top tips for embracing character and comfort in your space.

Sara Charlesworth’s Salt Lake City Home Tour

The details:

Name: Sara Charlesworth
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Square Footage: 1,250
Rent/Own: Own

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

Your current home was actually your husband’s childhood home. How did you two decide to purchase it, and what was the renovation process like?

We decided to purchase it mid-pandemic. My father-in-law needed to let go of this home but had a lot of sentimental attachment to it. We had moved back to Salt Lake City from Phoenix prior to 2020, and we were living in a top-floor apartment downtown. It was quite fun until everyone started working from home, and then we were constantly worried about how much noise our young kids were making. We felt ready to make the move to a home, and it just kind of worked out for the both of us really well.

The renovation process was a lot of fun and a lot of stress. We completely overhauled the bathroom and kitchen, then did more minor updates like paint, wallpaper, and lighting to the other rooms. Our goal was to make it feel like “us” without taking away from the character of the home. We didn’t want to feel like we were living in somebody else’s house.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow
“We wanted to bring the home back to life—make it feel happy and cozy and like a place where our family wanted to grow.”
Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

You moved into a house that already held many memories for your family. How did you honor the home’s original character while infusing your own personality into it?

We tried to keep the character of the home while breathing new life into it. The house had a lot of memories, but they were not all happy memories, and the house had been sitting vacant for a number of years. The interior structure had been kept up, but it felt a bit sad inside, and the outside had just been left to the wild. We wanted to bring the home back to life—make it feel happy and cozy and like a place where our family wanted to grow. It was important to us to keep the charm and the character of the home while making a conscious effort to honor its history while we made changes that better served our family.

Your entryway is one of your most recently finished projects. How long did the transformation take you, and what is your favorite part of the updated space?

It took us about two weekends to finish. We spent the first weekend painting and installing molding and prepping for wallpaper, and then the second weekend, we had a wallpaper hanger come and install the wallpaper. We then spent the rest of the weekend putting the room back together. My favorite thing about it is how it feels in conjunction with the living room since there is not much separating the two rooms. I love how the wallpaper is bold in pattern but not in color, which is the opposite of the living room, which is bold in color but subtle with its patterns. I love that the wallpaper pattern is a bit bigger in scale than you would traditionally see, and I think that adds a bit of interest—something that is just a little unexpected.

Beata Heuman
Nettle Wallpaper
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Petals Pendant

2 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Checker Velvet Pillow

4 colors available

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Joss & Main Upholstered Bench

7 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Ripple Accent Chair
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Lulu & Georgia
Brass Sconce

2 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Ridged Arch Mirror
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Lulu & Georgia
Jute Rug

4 colors available

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Etsy | DDecorStore
Mounted Rack

2 colors available

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Threshold designed with Studio McGee
Marble Dish
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How would you describe your interior design style, and how has it evolved over the years?

I would describe it as cozy, storybook, Scandinavian, a little unexpected, and always a little playful. I think my style has changed over the years as I have changed as a person and figured out who I was and wanted to be. I think style can and should evolve as we evolve as people. I also think it has changed dramatically as I have learned to become less fearful of what others think of me and really decided to start designing for myself instead of what I thought others wanted to see. It is more free and more an expression of what I love than it has ever been before.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

Your home is so warm and welcoming. Do you have any tips for curating a cozy home?

Mixing patterns, textures, and lots of layers and thinking about how you want to use and feel in each space. For instance, when I’m sitting on the couch, I might want a little table to set my coffee on, a lamp so I can see my book, a blanket and an extra pillow to make it cozier, and a place to put my feet up. Then, I’ll think about those elements and how I want them to interact together. This is all to say that it’s all in those little details that pull a room together and make it feel cozy and warm. Also, making your home feel personal to you is always a good idea. The more personal you make it, the more at home you’ll feel.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

We absolutely love your home’s timeless, vintage look. Are there any secondhand pieces in your home? If so, what is your favorite find?

We have quite a few secondhand or vintage pieces, but if I had to pick one favorite, it would probably be the pair of vintage wall candle holders we have on the sides of the mirror in our living room. They just feel really dainty and unique, and I have never come across anything like them since.

Lulu & Georgia
Fluted Floor Lamp
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Lulu & Georgia
Faux Shearling Accent Chair
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Etsy | ShopExtraSpace
Wall-Mounted Candle Holder
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Lulu & Georgia
Accent Ottoman

6 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Round Coffee Table
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Clam Shell Sculpture
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Instead of a TV in your living room, you installed a projector screen that pulls down from the ceiling. Do you ever miss having a typical TV, or are the cozy movie theater vibes worth it?

Yes, I do miss it sometimes and occasionally toy with the idea of trying to make a TV work somewhere in here. I think a lot of people get the idea that we must not be big TV watchers when, in reality, the opposite is closer to the truth. The cozy movie theater vibes are so fun at nighttime and make movie nights extra special, but I’ve been thinking of bringing in a TV for daytime watching, so maybe both can be possible. Still debating… we shall see!

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

We can’t believe your stunning tiled fireplace is actually a DIY. Do you have a favorite DIY project you have done over the years?

Hmmm… maybe the kitchen floor? It was the most time-consuming project we did, but it was one of the major things that started making the kitchen feel how I wanted it to feel. It really was the first thing that set the tone for how I wanted to bring more color and pattern into the rest of the house.

Striped Arm Chair
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Glass Semi Flush Mount
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Serena & Lily
Wicker Table Lamp

2 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Ornate Mirror
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Threshold with Studio McGee
Floor Lamp

2 colors available

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The Poster Club
Nouveau Monde Print
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Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

Each piece of furniture in your space is so curated and intentional. Where are your favorite places to shop?

I love vintage shopping (Etsy is great for this). I love Lulu and Georgia for really cool, quality pieces of furniture. For rugs, I am very into Nordic Knots. I have a big love for English furniture designers like Matilda Goad and Beata Heuman and love saving up for special pieces from them. I also love finding little online shops that have really unique pieces, like Iota Edit or East London Cloth for window coverings. And I’ll always have a soft spot for IKEA.

Oak Dining Table

2 colors available

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Lulu & Georgia
Velvet Dining Chair
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Lulu & Georgia
Checkerboard Hand-Knotted Wool Rug

2 colors available

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Buffet Cabinet

2 colors available

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Etsy | HastshilpEngland
Shell Brass Candle Holder
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Crate & Barrel
Pedestal Centerpiece Bowl
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The Heavens Print
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Lulu & Georgia
Gold Sconce

2 colors available

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Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow
“I gravitate toward designs that look good lived in and with a bit of untidiness.”
sara charlesworth home tour
Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

Your kitchen flooring looks like tile, but it’s actually hardwood painted with a checkered pattern. How did you decide to go with paint over traditional tile, and how has it held up over time?

To be honest, had I been heading in that direction initially, I probably would have gone with a tile version of what we have. When I originally designed the kitchen, I had this idea of a white, serene kitchen. The floors were initially painted a creamy white, and although it was perfectly nice, I was never happy with the way it had all come together. For me, the kitchen felt like it was missing life.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

I was trying to come up with a way to give it more of the personality I wanted and came up with the DIY of painting the pattern onto the floor. It was tedious and a bit nerve-wracking. We completed it late at night, and I went to bed thinking I had made a terrible mistake and was afraid to look at it the next morning. But seeing it in the morning light, I was relieved to see my vision all made sense and was the first of many decisions we made to bring more color and pattern into this home.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow
Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow
Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow
Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

With two young children, keeping your home clean and organized has got to be a challenge. As a content creator who is constantly photographing their home, do you have any tips for keeping your home in order and Insta-worthy?

I think this comes down to a few things. My home is definitely not always clean—sometimes, just the room I am photographing is clean. In general, we usually just put away messes as we go and try to go to bed with a somewhat tidy home. However, I think there is something to be said about certain designs accepting mess and making mess look more tolerable and intentional. If you design your home in a way that daily messes can look somewhat pleasing, it makes having messes feel more acceptable. This is actually a hard point to articulate in a way that makes sense, but this is all to say that some home designs look good (or at the very least tolerable) with a bit of mess around, and some do not.

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

My point is that our home is generally tidy, but it’s not always. When it’s not, it’s OK because the design of our home accepts it, which makes it easier for us to accept as well. I gravitate toward designs that look good lived in and with a bit of untidiness. This is probably not for everyone, but it feels more relaxed to me.

Wooden Barstools, Set of 2

4 colors available

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Threshold with Studio McGee
Wicker Table Lamp
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Lupe Wall Sconce

5 colors available

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Etsy | VintageTampaGirl
Vintage Blue and White Dinner Plate
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Hearth & Hand with Magnolia
Stoneware Pitcher
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Dimmable LED Pendant

6 colors available

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McGee & Co
Geometric Sconce
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Pottery Barn
Stoneware Serving Bowl
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Wicker Basket
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Crate and Barrel
3-Piece Ceramic Baking Dish Set

3 colors available

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Jute Rug
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Pottery Barn
Brass Rail with Hooks
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Cotton Gingham Napkins
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Crate & Barrel
Organic Cotton Tablecloth

2 colors available

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Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

You utilize a variety of different wall colors throughout your home, but they all work together beautifully. How did you go about choosing your home’s color palette?

I feel like I’m drawn to the same handful of colors, and those colors repeat themselves in some variety in every room. Our house is a variety of warm blues, soft reds, butter/mustard yellow, cream, and green. I think every room has a bit of those colors, just in different amounts, so even though each room has its own look and feel, they complement each other and feel like they belong to the same home.

I’m also a huge fan of sightlines and love the idea of how a room feels when it’s being looked at from another room. I think this is especially important in small homes, where you can see through into a lot of rooms from one space. For instance, from my living room, I can see my dining room, kitchen, and entryway. Even though each is its own room, I’m fascinated with the idea of how each space will look when looking at it from another and how they can complement each other while still taking on their own identity.

Pottery Barn
Stoneware Serving Platter
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Handmade Clay Pot
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Urban Outfitters
Glass Table Lamp

6 colors available

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Hearth & Hand with Magnolia
Enameled Cast Iron Dutch
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Enamel and Wood Kettle
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Stoneware Mixing Bowl

10+ colors available

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Your kids’ bedroom looks straight out of a storybook. How do you balance the beautiful decor with more practical elements like storage and easy cleanup?

Thank you. The kids’ room was another room that always felt like it was missing personality, and I wasn’t sure in what direction I wanted to take it. The idea first came to me after I found the wallpaper by Sarah Sherman Samuel. I immediately fell in love with it, and the entire design fell seamlessly into place after that. We use the trundle space under the bunk beds for lots of toy storage, as well as many baskets in their playroom for toys. We also turned an old fireplace mantel into a makeshift place to hold books. But to be totally honest, we are still working on the more practical elements of their room, like storage (don’t look in their closets, or you’ll be completely terrified).

Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

There are so many playful touches in your home, including funky light fixtures and lots of wallpaper. How do you make sure everything looks cohesive while still having fun with it?

I am a big believer in a mood board. It’s so helpful to see everything I am considering in one place and then see how all those things I’ve gravitated toward interact with each other. This helps narrow down decisions and helps it become less about each individual piece and more about how they are all talking to each other.

I also love the idea I have heard referred to as “the ugly shoe theory.” This theory is that sometimes an outfit looks better when an item doesn’t match perfectly or something is slightly quirky, making everything a little bit more interesting. I love this theory when it comes to home design as well. In my opinion, a room just looks more unique and fun when each room has a little bit of “wonder” or something that doesn’t quite “fit.” Yet somehow, that’s usually the same thing that makes the room work and pulls everything together.

Handmade Flat Weave Rug

6 colors available

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Etsy | MoiMili
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Toadstool Stool
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Lulu & Georgia
Tiger Wallpaper

2 colors available

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Single Light Paper Dimmable Pendant
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Sailaway Boat
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Lulu & Georgia
Storage Ottoman

10+ colors available

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Rattan Mushroom Table Lamp

2 colors available

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Source: Sara Charlesworth | @chalkwhitearrow

Your bedroom has changed a lot since you began renovations. How did you land on the current design?

The initial plan of the room has mostly stayed the same but has just progressed in its journey a bit more slowly the longer we have lived here. It was one of the last rooms for us to “complete” prior to moving in. It is quite a small room and was just a plain box originally. We painted it this beautiful soft gray-blue-green called Cromarty by Farrow & Ball. A few months after living here, we decided to give the room more detail by adding lots of molding. A few months later, we painted the ceiling as well to make it feel a bit more cozy. Then, a few months after that, we added a thick rug to make it feel more like a hug. It’s been the slowest to evolve, but it is starting to come to a place where I’m mostly happy with it.

Lulu & Georgia
Arch Headboard

10+ colors available

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Urban Outfitters
Glass Table Lamp

6 colors available

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Iron Top End Table

3 colors available

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The Company Store
Duvet Cover

10+ colors available

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Ceramic Sconce
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Alice Palmer & Co
Stripe Tissue Box Cover

6 colors available

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Your home is constantly evolving. Do you have any upcoming projects or things still on your to-do list?

We are really focusing on our yard at the moment and hope to make some major progress on it by summer. We also haven’t touched the very bare-bones, unfinished basement, and I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll be able to start that soon.

The post Jaw-Dropping: This Cozy, Pattern-Filled Home Stopped Us in Our Tracks appeared first on The Everygirl.

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10 Game-Changing Travel Hacks We Learned From a Flight Attendant Fri, 07 Jun 2024 16:33:19 +0000 travel hacks Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, which means summer is officially here, bringing with it an influx of travel

The post 10 Game-Changing Travel Hacks We Learned From a Flight Attendant appeared first on The Everygirl.

Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, which means summer is officially here, bringing with it an influx of travel plans. You may think that once you’ve booked your flight and hotel, you’re in the clear—all you have to do is board the plane and get ready to relax, but that’s not necessarily true. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes travel days take unexpected turns, and if you aren’t prepared, your vacay starts on a stressful note instead of the pure bliss you’re hoping for. So with peak travel season upon us, it’s time to brush up on all the best travel hacks.

Luckily for you, we asked a flight attendant with eight years of experience flying for American Airlines for her best travel hacks, so you can be prepared no matter what comes your way on your travel day. Read on for a flight attendant’s go-to travel hacks to ensure your trip is smooth sailing (or, in this case, flying).

1. Always buy your tickets directly from the airline

While there are many great third-party websites for tracking flight prices, like Google Flights or Kayak, it’s in your best interest to buy plane tickets from the airline, according to our flight attendant source. This way, if something happens and your flight is delayed or canceled, you can easily rebook or get refunded by the airline. It removes the looming possibility of losing money if plans unexpectedly change.

2. Download your airline app before your trip

If you’re still printing out your boarding pass in 2024, trust me: There’s a better way that doesn’t waste time and paper. With your airline app, you can easily access your boarding pass, track your flight for any delays, check your gate, and access in-flight entertainment. It’s essential to download the app and log in before you leave for the airport. That way, you aren’t scrambling last minute to download it and remember your password when you’re about to board.

3. Bring snacks and a water bottle onto the plane

You never know when a flight may experience ground delays, resulting in you being stuck on the tarmac and unable to leave the plane. These delays are never ideal, but having a snack and some water can make sitting there a little less painful. If you don’t want to pay sky-high prices for a tiny bag of chips or bottle of water, pack a snack bag and a refillable water bottle in your personal item. Just remember not to fill your water bottle until you get past security so you don’t add unnecessary time to your TSA screening.

Owala Water Bottle

10+ colors available

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4. Pack a fully charged portable battery for electronics

You may think you’re in the clear if your plane has charging ports, but take it from a flight attendant: These plugs are often faulty and rarely fixed. Bring your own backup battery pack so you don’t have to suffer through your flight with a dead phone and no entertainment. Double-check that your portable charger is fully juiced up the night before your flight so you can actually use it if needed.

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5. Give yourself plenty of time between flights

Airlines may let you book short layovers between connecting flights, but according to a flight attendant, “Just because your airline will let you book a 40-minute connection doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.” Give yourself at least two hours on the ground at the absolute minimum. I know, I know—you want to get to your final destination as quickly as possible, but missing your connecting flight will only delay your arrival. So, take a longer layover, and if you have time to spare, grab a bite to eat at the airport to make the time go by faster.

flight attendant travel hacks
Source: Dupe | Lotte Nielsen

6. Pack layers in your carry-on

The temperature on an airplane either feels like the Sahara Desert or Antarctica—there’s rarely anything in between. Plus, it doesn’t always correlate with the weather at your final destination. Just because you’re headed out on a tropical vacation doesn’t mean your strapless sundress will be comfortable on the flight, no matter how cute your OOTD is. Even for long-haul international flights, airlines only provide a light blanket, which may not be enough to keep you warm. Packing layers in your carry-on will make sure you’re not shivering or sweating your entire flight.

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7. Bring over-the-counter medicine onto the plane

Nausea and gas can turn a quick, easy flight into a torturous experience, where you’re suffering while trapped in a tiny seat or worse… the airplane bathroom. To ward off disaster, bring some over-the-counter medicine for both. Before a long flight, it’s also best to avoid big meals or heavy drinking (all you need is one hungover travel day and you’ll never make that mistake again). Instead, opt for light meals, stay hydrated, and bring plenty of snacks.

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8. Download entertainment before getting to the airport

There’s nothing worse than having nothing to do on a flight but stare at the seat in front of you or try to force yourself to sleep. It’s all too easy to forget to download something to watch or listen to ahead of time, leading to a last-minute attempt to download entertainment with the notoriously slow airport Wi-Fi to no avail. Avoid added frustration and in-flight boredom by queuing up some entertainment on your devices (or grabbing a book!) before leaving your house.

9. If you’re flying in for an important event, budget a buffer day

Never, and I repeat, NEVER book a flight that arrives the day of an important event. Flying in mere hours before your best friend’s wedding, for example, is a recipe for disaster. Flight attendants witness countless meltdowns of travelers who won’t make it to their event because they didn’t give themselves adequate time to get there. So, heed their advice and book your flight for the day before. As our source said, “It’s more expensive, but the peace of mind is priceless.”

10. Expect the unexpected

Not to be a pessimist, but airports have so many moving parts that it’s nearly impossible for a travel day to go over without a single bump in the road. Be ready for unexpected changes, whether that’s as simple as a gate change or a full-on flight cancellation. If you experience travel anxiety, watching the weather or tracking your flight on the FlightAware app can make you feel more informed and at ease. The FAA website also has a real-time rundown of all flight delays and can even predict future delays. Arming yourself with as much information as possible can make pivoting plans easier and less anxiety-inducing.

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Is Poppi Soda Actually Good for You? Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:50:33 +0000 poppi soda Drinking an ice-cold soda was cool until it wasn’t. Whether it was the sugar content of the regular sodas or

The post Is Poppi Soda Actually Good for You? appeared first on The Everygirl.

Drinking an ice-cold soda was cool until it wasn’t. Whether it was the sugar content of the regular sodas or the dangers of artificial sweeteners in the diet alternatives, all anyone could talk about for years was how “bad” it was to consume soda of any kind. But recently, popping the lid on that can and indulging in a fizzy drink has been less frowned upon because according to drink company Poppi, #sodasback.

Beloved for their claim to boost gut health with just 5 grams of sugar or less, chances are you’ve seen a celebrity drinking the beverage, an ad for it on social media, or looked at it while browsing the aisles of the grocery store. So, how could such a popular brand become a major source of controversy tangled up in a class-action lawsuit? Ahead, everything you need to know about Poppi soda and why the company is being sued, whether the drinks are actually good for you, and if we’re still drinking Poppi soda—plus, what this could potentially mean for Olipop, their biggest competitor.

What is Poppi?

In 2018, Texas husband-and-wife duo Stephen and Allison Ellsworth went on Shark Tank seeking a $400,000 investment in exchange for 10 percent of their up-and-coming soda company. Called “Mother Beverage” at the time, the couple had recently received a nationwide order from Albertsons for their apple cider vinegar drinks; however, they needed capital to expand the business further. And fortunately for them, a “yes” from just one Shark—Rohan Oza—was all they needed.

Unable to trademark “Mother,” the company rebranded to Poppi—a play on the drink being an alternative to traditional soda pop—and has been wildly successful ever since. Made with fruit juice, apple cider vinegar, and agave inulin—a prebiotic and natural sweetener extracted from the agave tequilana plant—the brand is now a widely popular alternative to soda. Further, the brand’s website states that each can of Poppi soda contains up to or less than 5 grams of sugar and 25 calories and “may support gut health by diversifying the gut microbiome and providing fuel for good bacteria.”

Why is Poppi Being Sued?

To put it in layman’s terms, Poppi is essentially tangled up in a class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of San Francisco resident Kristin Cobbs due to its “false and misleading claims” regarding the brand’s purported health benefits. Despite having a slogan that says, “Be Gut Happy. Be Gut Healthy,” the suit alleges that with only 2 grams of inulin per can, “a consumer would need to drink more than four Poppi sodas in a day to realize any potential health benefits from its prebiotic fiber.” And since Poppi sodas aren’t calorie or sugar-free, this overconsumption would offset most, if not all, of the drink’s health benefits.

What’s more, the lawsuit also claims that, unbeknownst to consumers, Poppi is predominantly made of cane sugar. So, in order to reap the prebiotic benefits of the beverage, one would have to “consume harmful levels of cane sugar, which has been shown to actually harm gut health.”

poppi soda

Are Poppis Actually Good for You?

On the one hand, Poppi sodas are a much healthier alternative to regular sodas and juices. Case in point? A 12-ounce can of regular Coca-Cola contains 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar—a steep jump from Poppi’s less than or up to 25 calories and 5 grams of sugar in their 12-ounce can. Similarly, as Registered Dietitian Jamie Nadeau explained on her blog, The Balanced Nutritionist, most people don’t get enough fiber in their diet, so prebiotic sodas like Poppi can “help fill the gap a little.”

On the other hand, Amy Shapiro—MS, RD, CND, and Founder of Real Nutrition, NYC—told Health that “processed fiber like that in prebiotic soda may offer only limited benefit because it may be fermented faster than fiber from whole foods.” Likewise, sugar’s still sugar. Although sugar isn’t the devil, regularly drinking Poppi will add more sugar to your diet, which might not be worth it if you’re barely reaping the purported health benefits to begin with. Plus, everyone’s digestive system responds to prebiotics differently. A 2013 study found that prebiotics worsened IBS symptoms, and some people experience more bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort from consuming prebiotics than others.

So, Are We Still Drinking Poppi?

Based on the information above, it seems clear that although Poppi likely won’t be your gut health savior, consuming it is generally safe, so long as your doctor has cleared you to have a sweet treat every once in a while. The truth is that life is all about balance, and enjoying everything in moderation is key. Plus, if you’re looking for a healthier soda alternative, whether it’s to sip on or use in a cocktail or mocktail recipe, a Poppi soda will do the job just fine.

That said, if we’re genuinely in pursuit of better gut health, I propose we stop searching for quick fixes and focus on incorporating gut-healthy foods into our diets instead. Artichokes, apples, bananas, and garlic are just some examples of foods rich in prebiotic fiber. Incorporating these types of foods into a well-rounded diet suited to your unique dietary needs and lifestyle will support your microbiome more than a can of soda ever could.

What Does This Mean for Olipop?

Given the controversy surrounding Poppi, it’s natural to be curious about what this all means for Olipop, another popular prebiotic soda. While it’s impossible to know what the future holds, Olipop might fare better than its counterpart in the long run.

For starters, although it has more overall calories than Poppi at 35, Olipop has a whopping 9 grams of prebiotic fiber compared to Poppi’s 2.5 grams. Plus, Olipop’s ingredient list is much more diverse and extensive. While Poppi uses minimal ingredients in its products, Olipop boasts ingredients that are high in inulin, like cassava root, chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, nopal cactus, calendula flower, kudzu root, and marshmallow root. A 12-ounce can of Olipop contains anywhere between 2 and 5 grams, while a 12-ounce can of Poppi contains 5 grams or less.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which beverage is right for you. As consumers, we have to take matters into our own hands and conduct our own research prior to hopping aboard the hype train for any health and wellness product out there. Maintaining some healthy skepticism isn’t a bad thing, and your body will thank you for it in the end. When it comes down to it, you have to make decisions based on what’s best for you and your body—not what anyone else tells you.

The post Is Poppi Soda Actually Good for You? appeared first on The Everygirl.

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